(read Mathew’s Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review)
Sometimes the menu may make an unappetizing pairing. However, the food on the menu depends entirely on which items you select. You can play with the menu until you find the one you like most.
Some people report that they have difficulty drinking 10 glasses of water daily. Adding a natural sweetener to your glass, like Stevia, will make it much easier.
Others find the fruit and vegetable days a little difficult.
As in every diet, you may experience a temporary fall that may get you off track and discourage you.
Here is Lisi’s advice:
“My best advice is….if you’ve experienced a minor or major fall while on the FL4I diet then don’t just lie there and beat yourself up—-trust me, it doesn’t do any good and is often counterproductive (you may eat more because of the fall). It is so true that you only fail when you don’t get back up. So, if this is you then get off your bum and get back on the wagon! We are our own biggest enemy…….but we can also be our own greatest friend.”
Avoiding overeating during their 3 “cheat days”, is a challenge for some, like Dalmond. The key here is to not overeat.
“I was having a difficult time with overeating and gaining huge on my cheat days so that my overall loss was low in each cycle. However this last set of cheat days I chose to eat only one cheat meal per day and eat low carb on the other meals….resulting in only a 2 lb gain. My cheat meals did include foods not allowed. Today I am on day 2 and I have already lost the 2 lbs this morning. I am looking forward to a good loss this cycle 6. I hope this helps anyone who was struggling like me with the cheat days.”
“On my free days I try not to overdo it. If I want a burger, I’ll get a burger and a diet soda but I will not eat fries with it, just burger. And I’ll have a “no-no” pizza, but I’ll have only one or two slices, depending on the size.”
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