(read Kate's real Medifast review…)
What can Medifast do for you? Here is a series of 4 small videos I found. They describe the results Phylicia experienced with Medifast diet. Phylicia has been doing Medifast for seven weeks now and shares her Medifast results.
Medifast: End of Week 1 – Six Pounds Lost Already!
Phylicia had great success during her first week on the Medifast program. She said the first three days were the hardest and she had to rely on self-control. During this time she realized that she had different types of food triggers. The first was going out and wanting to do something fun. She immediately associated food with fun. Equating fun with food doesn’t need to be the case she says. She also said that stress and having a lot of things come her way was a trigger.
Phylicia also experienced hunger pangs during the first three days. When she experienced them she drank more water and they went away. When she began the Medifast program her energy levels went down, and then they began to go back up.
Some of Phylicia’s favorite foods on the program are the Strawberry Crunch Bars, the Caramel Crunch Bars, the Dutch Chocolate Shake, and the Chocolate Pudding.
Phylicia started the week at 165.5 pounds and ended the week at 159.5 pounds. She believes that the six pounds she lost was a combination of water and fat. She noticed the fat on her abdomen decreasing and getting more defined. The legs, particularly her quads, are getting more defined as well. She questions why she didn’t do this program sooner.
Medifast: End of Week 2 – Learning Good Eating Habits
Phylicia got in some new products to try and was surprised.
“Can you believe that on this diet you can actually have a brownie as one of your meal replacements?”
She also got Chai Latte, and Lemon Meringue Crunch Bars. She says it is not a good idea to step on the scale everyday because on a given day the scale can go up or down. Women also need to take into consideration their menstrual cycle because there is a lot of water gain during that time.
During the second week Phylicia lost an additional two pounds, but then got derailed from her program and had a steak at a restaurant. She says she weighed herself right after and had gained four pounds, then lost a few. She wound up back at the six pound weight lost total, but gained a valuable lesson. The program is intended to teach people about healthy habits and its okay to eat outside of the plan once in while as long as you get right back on it.
Phylicia has noticed the fat coming off and really sees it in her arms. She is noticing more definition. She really likes eating six times a day and eating healthier.
Medifast: End of Week 3 – “I’m telling you everyone, it is working!”
At the end of week 3, Phylicia has lost eight pounds, four inches, and has 15 pounds to go. She says,
“I’m telling you everyone, it is working!”
Phylicia took her measurements and was thrilled the inches were coming off in the right spots. Her neck and bust measurements haven’t changed, but her waist was 28.5 inches and is now at 28.0 inches while her hips started at 39.5 inches and are now 38.5 inches. Phylicia’s upper thigh started at 24.5 inches and is also down a full inch to 23.5 inches. She says,
“It makes me excited because that is the area I want to lose and I don’t care if it goes off slowly, but as long as I’m losing something there I’m happy.”
Her right bicep stayed the same at 11 inches and her left bicep was ½ an inch larger and she’s hoping to have them end up the same size. Her right calf was 14.5 inches but her left calf went down to 15 inches from 15.5 inches. Phylicia knows she is losing fat and she is excited to be seeing results.
End of Week 7 – “I feel a lot more toned and I am proud of the inches lost”
After 7 weeks on Medifast Phylicia concludes that she lost more inches than pounds.
Here are the results:
Neck: It did not change. It remained 12.0 inches
Bustline: It did not change either. It remained 36.0 inches. She is very thankful for that!
Right Bicep: 11.0 inches, as it was before
Left Bicep: Went from 11.5 inches to 11.0. So, now both arms are the same size.
Waist: Went down an inch, from 28.5 to 27.5
After Phylicia got off Medifast she started doing some more intense cardio. While you are on Medifast, you still have enough energy to workout, but Phylicia feels you will not be able to do strenuous workouts.
Lower Waist (Love Handles): They are almost completely gone within 7 weeks and Phylicia is super excited for that! She lost 2.5 inches. This is a difficult spot for many people. A lot of women wonder: “How do I get these love handles off?” Well, Medifast did it for Phylicia. Waist circumference went from 33 to 30.5 inches
Thighs: She lost 1 inch, so her thighs are now 23. 5 inches. While on Medifast, Phylicia learned that eating many small meals a day (at least 5) keeps her metabolism high. A high metabolism prevents fat deposition around the hips, buttocks and thighs, which is were women tend to accumulate fat.
Left Calf: 14.5 inches – down an inch!
Right Calf: 14 inches – down half an inch
Hips: She lost an inch and she is now at 38.5
Overall Phylicia lost 10 pounds and 8 inches. Phylicia says:
“I am proud of the inches lost. I did not lose a tone of weight, but the inches I lost say enough to me that Medifast is actually working. I feel a lot more toned, and the fat is coming off”
How Medifast Works
Medifast is a program based around eating 6 times a day, with meals being 2-3 hours apart. Five of the meals you eat come prepackaged and the other one is referred to as your Lean & Green meal in which you eat 5-7 ounces of protein along with a non-starch vegetable. On this program people typically lose 2-5 pounds a week.
The program costs roughly $11 a day (using a Medifast coupon code will bring the cost down to $9/day), which is less than many diet programs that require about $16 a day on food.
Medifast has a support system online for people to use. In addition to the food, they recommend you drink 64 ounces of water a day. Typically a person will stay on the program until they reach their goal weight, there is a contraindication to the program (such as getting pregnant), or a physician changes the person to being on the Maintenance part of the program. Medifast recommends no more than 45 minutes of vigorous exercise a day while on the program.
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