(read Kate's real Medifast interview…)
There are several ways you can make your Medifast experience a really positive and successful one. According to Melissa, a successful dieter who lost 60 pounds over a six month period with Medifast (went from a size 16 to a size 6) and is now a health coach who helps others reach their goal weight as she did, there are several ways to make your transition to the Medifast lifestyle successful.
She lists nine tips for getting started with Medifiast the right way, so that you can start losing excess weight quickly and easily.
1. Take Pictures
Start by taking before pictures and measurements. While it may seem like an unpleasant thing to take pictures of yourself in your before state, looking at them can help motivate you to continue with your program, and as you lose weight and take new pictures you’ll be amazed at the changes you’re making and will be motivated to continue.
2. Get Rid Of Junk
Before you start, ensure you clean out your cupboards, fridge and freezer. Get rid of any junk food that tempts you. Even if there is stuff that your husband or kids eat, get rid of it! If you don’t want to waste food, give it to someone else. Remember, it’s a good idea to promote healthy eating to your family too, so having no junk in the house is beneficial for everyone.
3. Plan Your Lean & Green Meal
Plan and buy ingredients for your lean and green meals for the first three days of the “five and one” meal plan. You don’t need to think hard about the 5 Medifast meals, but having your other meal already planned makes that part of the day so much easier. If you’ve done all the shopping and some pre-preparation it will be much easier for you.
4. Find Support
Line up support for yourself. Whether this means family members and friends, message boards on the Internet, a health coach or support group, it doesn’t matter, as long as you have someone you can turn to when you need support. Some people find that family and friends aren’t as supportive as they could be, so someone from outside could be a better choice.
5. Clear Your Schedule
If you have a social engagement coming up (a wedding, anniversary or holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas), it’s best to wait until afterwards to start your Medifast program. You should try to clear your schedule for at least two weeks to have the best chance of succeeding during the first few crucial weeks.
6. Read The Quickstart Guide
Read through the Medifast quickstart guide, reading it from start to finish. Don’t just skim it, actually make the effort to read it from cover to cover. It contains everything you need to do to ensure the program works. If you have any questions at all, you can ask on the Medifast message boards, or you can ask your health coach.
7. Be Realistic
Some of the food provided in the Medifast system is really quite good, but be realistic with your expectations. Medifast doesn’t provide a gourmet meal by any means. It does, however, provide good, medically designed nutrition and the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals that you’ll need to succeed.
8. Mentally Prepare For The First Days
Be prepared for the first few days being tough. Not only are you attempting to change ingrained dietary habits, but you’ll also have symptoms of body detox including headaches, tiredness and general lethargy. Remember, your body will adapt to the program, and in the days to come you will start to feel much better and in time you’ll have so much more energy than you did before beginning.
9. Commit
Commit to the program 100%. If there’s a food that’s not on the plan, don’t eat it. It’s that simple! There will come a time when you can again enjoy some of your favorite foods in moderation, but now is not the time to give in to temptation. The better you start, the faster you’ll lose weight, and the sooner you’ll feel fantastic.
The Medifast program will work for you if you follow the program and make the commitment to change your life once and for all. If you stick to it, it won’t be long at all before you’ll be shopping for an entirely new wardrobe.
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