(read also Pam's Weight Watchers review)
What I liked about Weight Watchers from the start is the fact that you can eat everything you like. You don't have to give up on some foods, or change radically the way you eat. Of course you pay attention to portions and to the balance of your diet, but it's easy to integrate it in your life, and the results are amazing straight away.
“…I Felt so Great to Have Lost a Few Pounds Every Week”
The beginnings were great. I lost weight regularly and that motivated me to go to the meetings. The weigh-ins were part of the motivation, because I felt so great to have lost a few pounds every week. The meetings themselves were also a positive point, because there were a lot of people there, and it was great to see how everyone was doing from week to week. The meeting leader was really enthusiastic, and brought a lot of energy into the room, asking everyone in turn how they felt, having a kind word for everyone, and helping people to feel motivated to continue.
“…My Knees Started to Hurt Less”
The program also enticed me to start exercising. I didn't use to exercise that much before, but after I started losing weight, my knees started to hurt less, and I started walking more and more. I notice now that I can walk for longer without being out of breath, and feel much better in my body overall.
“…and Have Lost Almost 39 Lbs”
I have now joined Weight Watchers about 13 months ago, and have lost almost 39 lbs. I have been counting all the points and writing down diligently everything I ate for most of that time. I felt really good about the program until about a month ago, when my weight started to stagnate. I know why I stopped losing weight. I had a few too many extras or nice meals. I walked less. But then the weigh-ins started to become much less inspiring, and I didn't feel like going to the meetings, and then the new habits started to crumble down. The vicious circle started again.
I know that if I really want to continue losing weight now, I need to start counting points properly, weighing all the foods I eat, and tracking down everything I eat again. After having done this already for a year, it feels like a burden to keep counting though.
Overall, I keep a very good impression of my experience with Weight Watchers, but it is a program that requires a lot of self-will if you want to lose weight for the long haul.
Editor's note: In December 2012 Weight Watchers launced their new program: Weight Watchers 3600. It is a program built for human nature; Temptation is everywhere, and science shows us that our brains are hardwired to give in. Weight Watchers 3600 focuses not on will power and self-control, but rather, creating an environment that makes it easy for you to eat healthy.
The above review was written by Armelle after interviewing her aunt Nadine. Nadine and Annie are Armelle's aunts. Read Armelle's and Annie's Weight Watchers testimonials.
Disclosure: People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
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