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Weight Watchers Worked for Me
By Jackie Stinson
I cannot remember a time in my life when I didn’t think of myself as a fat girl. I have probably tried and failed no less than 50 times on every diet that I’d ever heard of. Off the top of my head, and without naming any diet specifically, I have tried diets where I eat no carbs, low carbs, only certain carbs, only meat, only vegetables, only protein drinks, and one particular diet where I was only able to eat a certain kind of soup.
I’d always heard, “Diets don’t work,” but like many people I didn’t want to believe it. I wanted to believe I’d be the exception and I’d be the person to defy the odds and eat a limited selection of food, be able to shed a lot of weight, and be able to maintain it forever. I was going to be the one.
Lose a few, gain a few more
To be fair, on several of these diet plans, I did have mild success. In the first two weeks of just about any plan I’d try, I’d lose anywhere between five and 10 pounds. Then, inevitably, I’d begin to crave one of the foods that the diet didn’t allow. Or, something like a holiday or birthday party would come up and I’d have a piece of cake or a few too many pieces of pizza and feel like a huge failure. Then I’d give up. The worst part of all of this is that I would not only regain the few pounds I’d lost, but I’d usually gain even more. If I lost 10, I’d gain 15. It was a vicious cycle.
The emotional part
The physical aspects of being overweight are pretty apparent. The scale had a higher number. My clothes were larger. That’s the part everyone understands.
The emotional part is so much worse. Anyone who’s tried to lose weight has felt like a failure at some point. I never took a hard look at the ridiculous diet plan I happened to be following at any particular time and thought about how it was impractical and not sustainable. I looked inward and blamed myself for every pound that I gained. I stepped on the scale and then mentally berated myself for it not showing me a certain number.
Weight Watchers versus diets
I’d heard about Weight Watchers. I incorrectly assumed that Weight Watchers was another diet that I’d try, where I might have a little success but that would ultimately be like every other thing I’d done up to that point. I signed up online and noticed a few things right away.
First, I looked for a list of foods that I was no longer allowed to have. I searched through the website and found nothing of the sort. That’s because I was allowed to eat the foods I loved. While this sounded fantastic, I have to admit that I was skeptical. To me, diets meant deprivation. At the very least, they meant that I was supposed to give up something.
Second, I noticed that I almost immediately felt more control. I had a PointsPlus budget for the day. When I ran out of points, I was done eating for the day. The concept is simple. I loved that I didn’t have to count calories or carbs or protein or fat. It was just points. In the past I had tried to keep a food journal. I never really liked it. I’d be diligent for a few days or maybe even a couple weeks. But then I’d end up leaving it at home or forgetting to enter in something I’d eaten that day. I loved using the WW online tracker. All day long – at work and at home – I was in front of a computer. There were no excuses to not do it, so it became second nature.
Finally, I noticed that the food and fitness decisions I was making were healthier. I didn’t have any kind of “aha moment” or a mental breakthrough. For me, it was simple. I could eat more food if I ate things that were healthier (and had a lower Points Plus value), so I ate those things. It was a no-brainer. Perhaps that’s the best thing about it. Because of how WW is designed. I just naturally made better decisions.
Finally… success
In one year, I lost 67 pounds. (People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.) That was over three years ago. I never thought I’d lose a significant amount of weight. I certainly never thought that I’d keep it off. I had failed so many times. I thought I was weak and had no will power. At one point, I thought that my body was incapable of losing weight. It wasn’t until I took a serious look at what I was doing and why these things weren’t working.
The healthy food decisions I make each day aren’t even difficult anymore. Believe me; I did not think I’d ever be a person to pass up a dessert or, my favorite, pizza. I know now that I can have these things. I know how to fit them into my life in a moderate way. Once I realized I didn’t have to give up these things, they somehow became less important.
When I started to see the difference on the scale and feel the difference in my clothes, I noticed something even more exciting. My personality was coming back. I’ve always been funny and sarcastic, but when I was at my heaviest I held back. I thought that if I was loud or boisterous, I’d be subject to ridicule. I never wanted to be the center of attention.
It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world to be proud of the way you look and feel.
Weight Watchers Promotions
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Weight Watchers Program Review
Review by Pam Marshall
Unless you've been living in a cave for the past 40 years, you've undoubtedly heard of Weight Watchers. From Jenny McCarthy to Sarah Ferguson, celebrities have been singing its praises for some time now. Actually, there's a good reason for that.
Weight Watchers works because it's not a diet. It's so much more than that. You will learn how to eat right and live healthy, which will help you lose weight and keep it off. Not just for however long it takes you to lose 10 pounds or more, but for life. It's true — Weight Watchers truly teaches you how to lose weight and keep it off for the long haul.
The success of Weight Watchers is built upon four pillars: exercise, behavior, food, and support. Once you have these pillars firmly in place, what you learn with the Weight Watchers program helps you lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating. The reward is a body you can be proud of.
Choose A Food Plan You Can Follow
Imagine a plan that allows you to eat what you like – foods that are nutritionally sound that keep hunger at bay. If you've ever been on a diet, you know how important it is to eat the food you like. While it's possible to deprive yourself of these foods for the short term, it's certainly not conducive to long-term weight loss if eating becomes drudgery.
Here is some proof. A recent scientific study showed that obesity interventions are more effective when the participants get to choose the changes in diet and physical activity. In other words they have an active voice in the changes that they can follow. The study concluded that, "more modest behavioral changes are capable of promoting weight loss." In other words, the less you have to deviate from your normal eating habits, the more successful you will be. And that is exactly the philosophy of Weight Watchers.
The Granddaddy Of Weight Loss Programs
Since the early 1960s, Weight Watchers has been instrumental in helping people develop lifelong habits for optimal weight control. You may even know of someone who contributes his or her weight-loss success to the Weight Watchers program. Although weight loss is a bit slower with Weight Watchers than with other weight loss programs, the success stories prove the old adage "slow and steady wins the race."
As an added bonus, you don't have to give up the foods you like, or make a radical change in the way you eat. Of course you do have to pay attention to portions (you are trying to lose weight, after all), but all in all, the concepts of Weight Watchers is extremely easy to integrate into your life.
Customer Satisfaction
Overall, Weight Watchers scores higher than Medifast and Nutrisystem by consumers. That's because it's so easy to incorporate. Want a big old piece of chocolate cake? Go ahead. You can indulge yourself as long as you keep an eye on the big picture. Weight Watchers is not a fad diet. There are absolutely no strict restrictions on the food you eat. As long as you stay focused on a balanced, healthy way of eating an occasional treat is just fine.
When you consider that Weight Watchers is one of the few programs that have actually been studied for effectiveness (with stellar results), it's only natural to want to pass along a sure thing to a friend.
Here are a few more reasons why…
You don’t have to purchase special meals from Weight Watchers.
- Weight Watchers considers you as an individual. Are you active? Moderately active? Or do you need to ramp up your activity level? The Weight Watchers program takes all of this into consideration when developing a plan that's right for you.
Weight Watchers Meetings or Weight Watchers Online?
Weight Watchers meetings provide a motivating environment where you can connect with people who have similar goals. A leader who has lost weight with Weight Watchers and kept it off directs these meetings. If you are worried about the weigh-ins, don't be. All way-ins are confidential.
What Is The Cost Of The Meetings?
The cost for Weight Watchers meetings varies depending on the membership option. Monthly Pass, which includes Unlimited meetings and Free eTools, costs as low as $9.22 per week. Monthly Pass is available in participating areas only. Learn more about Weight Watchers Monthly Pass and how you can save 30% on your first month in participating areas (see promotional links on top of this page).
Free trial – now, in participating areas, you can see what a Weight Watchers meeting is all about. There is no cost to you and no obligation any time. Once you make the smart decision to join, you get the first week's program materials and pay the fees already in effect to join.
Weight Watchers Online
Weight Watchers Online is a customized online weight loss plan that you follow step-by step completely online. With today’s hectic lifestyle, you may find the online program best suited for you. You can connect online whenever is convenient for you. And if you are not thrilled about group meetings and weigh-ins, the online program is the way to go.
Weight Watchers Online has over 3,000 healthy recipes to help you make better food choices. It even has video demos for workouts, easy guides to follow, and online weight loss tools to help you keep track of your progress.
What Is The Cost of Weight Watchers Online?
The cost of the online program is $18.95/month plus a one-time sign up fee of $29.95. If you invest in a 3-month savings plan you will save 30% (see promotional codes at the beginning of this page)
What is Weight Watchers Simple Start? The Program
Built on the proven PointsPlus plan and backed up with 50 years of helping millions of people around the world lose weight and keep it off, Weight Watchers Simple Start is the most comprehensive approach to weight loss that the organization has ever offered. No, they have not changed their formula. You don’t have to buy any new books either. The program provides its members with extra tools to help them acquire simple but deceptively powerful habits.
Weight Watchers Simple Start takes into account new research that shows that
- our minds are hardwired to give in to temptation. It’s better to have a plan to not get into temptation rather than try to fight temptation after you have gotten into a scary food situation.
- The only two ways we can create new long lasting behaviors in our life are by changing our surroundings and by taking baby steps.
Based on this new information, Weight Watchers Simple Start is about:
- Tracking (PointsPlus): making the smart food/activity choice
- Spaces: making those choices easy in the environment you live in
- Routines: making those choices second nature through implementation of small steps
Weight Watchers Simple Start – A Plan Built for Human Nature
Here is the big picture:
Eat real food. Really.
You learn to make the smart choices that let you eat the foods you love, when you want to. Nothing is forbidden. With the Weight Watchers Simple Start program there are no required foods or forbidden foods. There are no special foods to buy. You just choose the foods you want to eat. The focus is on learning to make better choices and developing strategies for overcoming hunger and temptation. Moreover, by focusing on Weight Watchers Power Foods fruits and vegetables, you will stay fuller longer.
Weight Watchers Simple Start doesn’t expect you to be perfect .You’ll still lose weight
You may be wondering, "how will I know what to eat?". Well, after joining a Weight Watchers Meeting or signing up for Weight Watchers Online, you will receive your daily personalized PointsPlus® Target, which you will use along with the PointsPlus® values of foods to make sure you’re eating the right amount for food
All this gives you an edge that can help you reach your weight loss goals. You will learn all about the Weight Watchers Simple Start program after joining a Meeting or signing up for Weight Watchers Online.
The smart choice is the easy choice
Train your brain by learning new routines and great habits. Pretty soon you can find yourself making healthy choices without even thinking about it.
You. In control. Always.
In our imperfect world, food cues are everywhere. Learn how to take charge of temptation at home, at the office, out on the town. Anywhere and everywhere.
Weight Watchers Simple Start has got your back. Always.
Get in-person inspiration at Meetings, or follow the Plan entirely online. And they offer a suit of mbile apps and digital tools, that put the Plan right at your fingertips.
Get moving, get healthy.
A little exercise can help you feel great—and Weight Watchers Simple Start tools can help you take the first step towards achieving your goals.
50 years of human triumph—and counting
For 50 years the organization has helped the world lose weight and get healthy .Person by person. Pound by pound. It continues today, with you.
Weight Watchers Cons – Disadvantages
While the Points system makes Weight Watchers incredibly easy to follow, you can’t rely on Points alone to ensure you’re eating a healthy, balanced meal. A bowl of ice cream may have the same number of points as a whole-wheat ham sandwich, but that doesn’t mean they are equally healthy. You do have to use discretion in your choices. Update: The PointsPlus system has been greatly improved over the years. The intelligent formula behind it encourages you to eat healthier foods more than ever. For example, many fruits and vegetables have just a few or zero points, even if these foods (i.e avocado) can contain the same calories (i.e 300-400) as a piece of pizza. That means you can eat a lot of food and still be in your daily PointsPlus allowance simply by making smart healthy choices. The healthier your choice, the more food you can eat.
Disclosure: While is an advertising partner of Weight Watchers, this does not compromise our goal which is to provide you with complete, accurate, unbiased information so that you will make the choice that is best for you.
Good article on how to manage your weight, a good night sleep is very important to maintain an optimum weight.
“I’m thrilled to hear that Weight Watchers worked for you! 🙌 Your success story is inspiring, and it’s a reminder that with dedication and a program like Weight Watchers, positive change is possible. Keep up the great work and continue to inspire others on their wellness journey! 💪🌟 #WeightWatchersSuccess”
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