You are very welcome to post an article on WeightLossTriumph! There is an editorial fee of $25.
Make sure your article is unique, relevant and interesting. Send me an email at matthewpap [at] gmail [dot] com.
Disclosure: We review and test many products on this site. Nobody pays us to review their product. However, if you end up purchasing one of these products we sometimes receive a small fee from the merchant. This helps to keep the site maintained and running.
Lap Band Surgery: the New Rules
Hi– Submitted an article last week about lap band surgery– the new FDA rules, and the procedure and going forward.
Please check it out and approve it for me?
Thanks, Denise
Article Published
Hi Denise,
your article is approved and published.
Thank you for your contribution.
What’s a Girl to Do?
I am so very happy I came upon this site. Surfing the net tonight I came across the Medifast website and found the courage to make an appt for next week.
I've been battling with my weight for 3 years now along with high blood pressure which I cannot seem to control. My weight continues to increase – even though I walk every day and try to watch what I eat.
I am at 201 pounds today and I am going to lose 50 pounds. Wish me well.
Guest Posting Request
Hello, My name is Linda Albert and I work for, which is part of Expedient Info Media Network, with more than 24 popular sites. I have been reading the content on your website and find it extremely interesting. As a keen writer, I was wondering whether you would consider allowing me to write a guest post for your site. As the guest posts would be unique and informative on the topic you choose, they would be really beneficial to your readers. I would be happy to promote the guest post/your website on our social media platforms such as face book, twitter and rating sites such as stumble upon, Digg which will help your site gain further recognition. Further, as we both deal with a few similar topics, I was wondering if you could add our blog in your website/blog as it would greatly benefit your visitors with our featured content on various topics. Please let me know if this is a possibility or if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time. Kind Regards, Linda Albert Assistant Editor Expedient Info Media.
Hi there, http://weightlosstri is well done, I have a question.
I just came across your site and was wondering whether you would be interested in a free article.
I have a website on a similar subject ( and would be able to write a unique, informative article that would suit your audience.
The type of article I would have in mind would relate to tips and hints regard the use of indoor bike trainers and would be a minimum of 500 words. The article, if accepted by you, would be exclusive to your website. I am well aware of how Google dislikes duplicate content.
All I ask in return is to include 2 or 3 links in the article back to my website. If you are interested please let me know and I will get to work writing up this article for you.
Ron Fritzke
Yes, Send Us Your Article
Hi Ron,
yes, please, register and upload your article and we will post it on the site.
I am trying to upload an
I am trying to upload an article to your site. I don't see where to do it. All I get when I login is a directory listing of images.
I just submitted an article on the african mango ingredient.
How to Upload the Article
All you need to do is find the login box which is currently at the bottom of the site. Just scroll down and you will see it on your left. Register there and upload your article.
Thank your Mike
Thank you for your contribution. Here is your article
I also submitted an article on intermittent fasting.
Guest Posting Request
My name is Brenda Lyttle and I’m dropping you a line to see if you accept guest bloggers on [INSERT BLOG NAME]. I write about fitness and weight loss; and I thought an article about the same would be a good fit for your blog.
The post will be 100% original, written just for your blog and will not be posted elsewhere. If you’re interested in this, please get back to me.
Brenda Lyttle
Yes, Please, Email The Article
Hi Brenda,
please, email me the article.
Guest Posting
Hi Matthew– I wrote a blog post which you published a few months ago about the new rules for lap band surgery.
I emailed another post over a week ago, and sent a follow up email– haven’t heard anything. I’m hoping you’re on vacation and that I did not somehow get your email address wrong. Can you please check it out and let me know if/when you will use the post? “Food as a Drug of Choice”
Thanks, Denise
Denise, Send Me the Article
Hi Denise,
I am looking forward to your article as we agreed in our email conversation.
Guest Writer Request
Good Morning, My name is Kenneth Elliott and I own I would like to contribute an article on childhood obesity and the use of balance bikes to get children in the mode of riding bikes as a lifestyle. Would you be interested in such an article? If so, I would like to become a guest writing and put this article together for your site. Thanks, Kenneth Elliott
Send Us The Article Kenneth!
Hello Kenneth,
I would love to publish your article! It is an interesting topic. It needs to be original, too. Send it over.
Guest post for your blog
My name is Karien and I work for I’m trying to grow it by reaching out to other bloggers. I’ve been reading your site some time and I’m a big fan. My favorite article of late was “Top 5 Ways to Pay for Weight Loss Surgery”. I’m interested in writing a guest post for you — something you’ve never posted on — and I have some ideas that I think your readers would love:
1. Weight-Loss Guide: The Key to weight loss!
2. Losing Weight: What is the reason for its failure?
3. Weight loss And Exercising in the Morning!
I know you’re busy, so I can write everything up and send it to you in one document, which you can drop right into WordPress. I’ll handle all editing, bylines, etc (feel free to edit) so this is super-easy for you. Plus, I promise the guest posts will get your readers thinking and talking to each other.
All I want is li’l credit in terms of two backlinks in author’s bio and no link would be embedded anywhere in the content.
Let me know what you think of the same.
Send Us The Article Karien
I would love to publish all your articles Karien.
Status of My Guest Post?
Hi Matthew,
I submitted my guest post around 12 days back and am yet to hera from you. May I pls know when can I expect it?
Guest Post Submission
Wanted to drop you a line to follow up on a guest post submission. I sent one over a few days ago, and wanted to make certain it was received. Look forward to your feedback! Thanks!
Working out with baby
Good Morning,
I would love to compose an article for you regarding the use of mobile devices in weightloss (such as smart phone apps). It will be completely original and all we request is 1-2 backlinks in the author info. Would you be interested?
Thank you,
As we start aging, our bodies tend to work not as effectively as it used to. Many metabolic activities like digestion, healing power become less efficient. Physical strength, and even mental alertness and capabilities start to decline. For some people this process is late, while for other people with illness and chronic diseases or sub-optimal health, these functions and metabolic activities start to decline way before than what is expected. Some of those diseases are diabetes, BP etc. There are many factors and aids which are identified by scientists are available abundant in market which can improve and prolong ones physical and mental functions. Some of the factors like, regular exercise, healthy diet, and a stress free life all give a long term health. Such factors can be called memory supplements.
Brenda Your Article is Live
Hi Brenda,
Here is your article
http://http://www.weightlosstriumph. com/developing-healthy-eating- habits-in-children-%E2%80%93- top-tips-for-parents.html
Feel free to send more!
Guest post
If you ever do diet/weight loss program feature, then I’d like to pitch Eat Stop Eat
( / to you. We actually got some TV coverage,
like the Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, but our blog coverage has been lacking.
What is Eat Stop Eat? It is a method of 24-hour fasting and weight
training that was designed by a canadian research scientist (his name is Brad Pilon) in 2008.
Our followers, both men and women, usually do 1 or 2 fasts during a
week to burn calories and some workouts to build muscle mass. This
method is backed up by nutrition science and for last years we got
6,000+ positive feedbacks. So, it’s a unique weight loss solution that works.
And, is it possible to write a guest post for you?
Article Submitted
Hi, I have mailed you my article on "Weight-Loss Guide: The Key to weight loss!". Please find the decided piece in the given attached doc file. I would really appreciate if I could know the date when the post would be live. Let me know if anything else is required too. Thanks, Karien
Yes, Brandy. Send Me Your Article
Brandy, please, send me your article.
Follow up to my previous e-mail
This is a follow up to my previous e-mail regarding the feedback of the post that I submitted for review. It’s been couple of days since I last mailed you my post but unfortunately I have been unable to receive any reply from your end.
Please let me know when the post will go live.
Guest Posting
My name is Sherryl and I am the owner of I am in the process of writing an article to guest post on your blog. I would like to invite you and any of your guest bloggers to submit an article to our site as well. Thank You and have a nice day 🙂 Sherryl
Just for fun
This is a good site but I don’t write in this niche.
So sorry that I couldn’t contribute to this site.
what is the format?
how should i send my articles? is it okay if i send it in html format and attach the image?
Guest Posting
I’m launching a weight loss review website and would like to see if you’re still accepting guest posters. If so, I’ll start sending you some great posts as soon as I finish with the launch.
Guest Post Soon
Hey Matt, Hey Matt I have a guest post for you in the works and will be sending it over very soon! I might have already emailed you regarding this but not sure. It's a weight loss scheduling post and should be ready soon for weight loss triumph so keep your eyes peeled! Okay then I'll be in touch and thanks for putting up such a socially susceptible site for new site owners/bloggers such as myself.
Thanks again,
article sent
hi! my name is cahyo wijanarko and i just sent an article from my email thanks!!
Submit article
Hi Matthew, i want to ask you about guest posting – i want to write about burn fat build muscle, is it necessary to include META Tags?i’m not familiar about those things so how about that?can you accept without META Tag?
Product Review
Hi Matthew,
I hope your well, I would like to add a product review on the Zumba Fitness game on the xbox which has helped me loose weight since starting it.
I have been using it for 5 months now, I would like to right a exclusive article regarding how it has helped me.
In the article would it be possible to link to my website on the subject of weight loss?
Kind Regards
Zumba Fitness Review
[Zumba Fitness Review] That would be a great article Richard. Research it well and send it over. I will be happy to publish it. Make sure you explain how it helped you lose weight. Include links to your site, too.
James, About the Meta Tags
Hi James,
a meta tag is a description of your article using less than 164 characters. Just write two sentences that describe what your article is about.
Thank you Cahyo!
Thank you for your article Cahyo. I will check it out and let you know.
Hi Karien,sorry for my late
Hi Karien,
sorry for my late reply. Thank you so much for your article.
I would love to publish an article from you, but the topic must be in accordance with the guidelines described on this page. Unfortunately, your article was another "weight-loss-guide" type of article that explained how you can lose weight by having short and realistic goals, eat fruits and veggies, drink 8-10 glasses of water, etc.
The web is saturated with this type of articles. Nobody will benefit if we publish one more article of this kind. Feel free to write a different article. Something more unique and I will publish it in a heartbeat.
article sent
i just sent my revised article to your gmail account. thanks!
cahyo wijanarko
2 articles sent
i just sent 2 more articles. let me know it i have to revise them. thanks!!
cahyo wijanarko
New Article on Weight Loss versus Weight Loss Patches
I emailed an article to you for publishing. I am glad I found this site! Thanks
Lossing weight isnt that much hard with this,just can cost u some $’s
Guest Post submitted
Hi Matthew – I’ve submitted a guest post for your review (via another email address) – on “what’s wrong with the paleo diet”. I hope you like it!
Contribute as a guest blogger
Good Morning! My name is John and I am a plasic surgeon based out of San Diego. I came across your site while searching for guest blogging opportunities relevant to my industry. After looking over your site it looks like a good fit. I would like to contribute some unique content to your site. Please let me know what the next step is. Best, J
I just added this feed to my
I just added this feed to my bookmarks. I have to say, I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up!
John, Send Your Articles
Hello John,
Thank you for your message. Feel free to send plenty of informative and well-written articles on the topic of plastic surgery or related topics. We will publish them all. Make sure your articles provide the exact information that your patients (and clients) would like to know.
Great Article, Thank You
Great article Neil, thank you. I published it here:
hcg diet or lipotropic injection article
Hi There,
I would love to submit articles I have written on Success with the HCG Diet under medical supervision and/or the use of Lipotropic Injections for weight loss.
Many Thanks,
Use The Energy Therapy EFT for Weight Loss That Stays Away
Hi, Submitted an article about the benefits of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for weight loss. EFT is an effective holistic approach to weight loss. Thanks Dolores Andrew-Gavin
Interesting in Guest Blogging
I am interested in doing guest blogging on your blog. I will love to
be part your community. Please, let me know about the terms &
condition and rules or guide lines that I need to follow while writing
Waiting for your kind response
About your article.
I am so very happy I came upon this site. Surfing the net tonight I came across the Medifast website and found the courage to make an appt for next week.
product review
I have sent you a product review on “Capsiplex” which is a newish fat burner that i have been successfull with. I hope that you read and accept my article.
hi…i just send my article a week ago and never heard from you about it, is it publish or not or – maybe – you reject it?
Good one
You blog has some great posts. I found it through Yahoo. Keep up the great work!!
I will try my best.
extreme weight loss
extreme weight loss,slim xtreme
Guest post opportunity follow up
Hi Matt!
How is my article you said you well be posted after 2 days until I dont have any reply from you through emails. I sent you the article since feb 17 2012.
feel free to inform me.
Many thanks
video editor mac
thanks for your sharing.I’m was trying.
About Guest Posting Content
Came across to your website and found it very interesting. We would be interested to do a guest post on your website. We have genuine unique content with us, which we would love to publish it on your site.
Our Content is on Diet and Fitness which your readers would find interesting.
Also wanted to know whether you will allow a one link back url to the website. Looking forward to hear from you so that I can send you our unique article asap.
Suresh Bidlan
Just sent one in
Hey guys, it’s been less then a day so I know how annoying this is. I forgot to write a comment here yesterday to let you know that I sent a review in to
Great site you guys have going here and I’d be honored to be apart of it.
I have seen the awesome site
I have seen the awesome site lists from this which allows guest author. There are lot of benefits like quick response, fast approval and so on. You really enjoy it.
Guest posts
Hi, I would love to submit a guest post to your website, but do you have any topics that you do not want to be covered again? Thanks.
Hi when writing the review,
Hi when writing the review, can we use our own affiliate link for the product?
African mango product review
Hi Mathew,
Hope you are well. I had submitted an article on African mango products and It has been more than a week. I know you must be very busy.
Can you please take some time and update about the status of the post.
Thanking for your time and patience
How To Lose Weight
I would love to contribute!
Easy online shoe shopping and saving money
Here is Owen Hyde, I’m very interested in guest posting at your sites/ blogs.
I discovered you by your site. I have gone through your site. I was really impressed and wanted to get involved. i am having a unique content for ” Footwear or Shoe store” to share as a guest post. I am mailing you my few ideas which you might be enjoyed. My title is “Easy online shoe shopping and saving money.” This is the largest online shoe store where they are selling fashionable, traditional footwear for everybody at affordable prices. Stores provide various coupons like Discount Coupons, Promo/Promotional Coupons with their codes. They also offer free shipping and free return shipping.
I kindly request you to mail me. Let me know what you think, I hope all is well.
With thanks and the best regards.
Owen Hyde.
Make your wedding exclusive and unique
This is Sebastian Jordan and I’m very interested in guest posting here at your sites/ blogs.
I discovered you by your site. I have gone through your site and I was really impressed and wanted to get involved. I am having unique content for “Wedding” to share with you as a guest post. I am sending you few ideas which you might be enjoyed.
My title is I get my “Make your wedding exclusive and unique” Exclusive wedding is the biggest wedding store. It has big collection of unique wedding gifts, wedding dresses, wedding shoes, wedding accessories and much more at affordable prices. It has its own online coupons like Exclusive wedding coupon; promo codes etc. we can find coupon code sources by the websites. They also on Face book and twitter so anybody can follow them.
Please mail me so I can send you my guest post. Let me know what you think I hope all is well
Thanks & Regards
Sebastian Jordan
Guest Posting
I can write for you too when it comes to weight loss programs and plans. One program I can write is the P90x workout that is perfect for those who have busy schedules and are tired of gyms. If you want me to writer for you, just PM me 🙂
Requesting Guest Post
Hope you are well!
I have article related to Weight Loss Treatments, which could be posted on your site.
The Topic is: Natural Weight Loss Treatments
The article will be unique. I will include one link to my website. The content would be of around the 400 word mark.
Please let me know, if you are interested.
Kara Smith
Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review
I like the way your site allows unbiased reviews of products which need to bring forth honest reviews and recommendations of products. I admire it and will surely be submitting such posts here on.
Still Open??
Hi Matthew
I am just launching my new weight loss related site so i wanted to know that you are still accepting guest posting on this site or not? It will great if you are accepting.
Willing for guest post on your blog
I came across your blog while browsing the web and I am impressed by the great content that you have. The reviews, news, posts, and the blog itself are not only interesting but also highly informative.
By profession, I am a cyclist, and I devote all my leisure time to writing. I have always enjoyed writing, and feel an inner urge to write about the stuff that I practice and use. Writing has always been a passion for me. Previously I have contributed to numerous health blogs, and always got positive feedback. My previous contributions were mostly related to sports watches, their reviews, posts, both opposing and supporting arguments, comparisons and analysis. I would like to present my writings for your blog, and will feel immensely honored for this opportunity. I sincerely hope that my writings will be appreciated by your readers.
As a sample, I am including titles from a few recent writings for your review:
• Comparison of Garmin Edge 800 and Garmin Forerunner 210
• heart rate monitors Reviews
• 5 Tips to Maximize your Performance through Polar rs800cx
With my past record of successful writings, I will come forward with content that is not only informative but also interesting. I completely guarantee the originality of my writings, and will make every possible effort to shape up my content according to your needs and terms. The article will contain a link to my website or I can list it in author’s biography section.
I hope that we both benefit by working together. I hope that you will genuinely consider my offer of contributing with original and informative content, and give me this splendid chance to contribute to your blog. Looking forward keenly to a response from your side.
Thanking in anticipation.
Regards and best wishes,
Anna Stacy
I would like to write an article for your website
Are you currently accepting guest posts on website ?
My name is Anna Cleanthous and I am a freelance writer to help them reach new audiences online by developing content partnerships with good quality blogs and websites like yours.
I would like to stress that the article itself will not be self-promotional – I strive to ensure each piece I write is unique, written exclusively for your website and offers value to your audience.
If you are happy for me to do so, then I will include a reference to my client in the byline so that your readers can find out more if they wish.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in?
I look forwards to hearing from you.?
All the best,
Anna Cleanthous
chronic health
Hi, I found your site and I like the concept very much, specifically the effort to provide an unbiased view about fitness and diet related products. As a doctor of public health I'm writing a blog about "chronic health and longevity" ( More to the point, how we could actually have an epidemic of chronic health, and why we don't. As fitness and fatness are the two most important, and modifiable, predictors of health, both are frequently the subject of my posts. Now, I'm wondering whether you might be interested to share some of my posts with your readers. And if so, in which way we can accomplish that. Thanks for considering Lutz
Guest Post from Dr Lutz
Absolutely Dr Lutz,
please, feel free to send over your articles. Only make sure they have not been published elsewhere online.
Sure Anna – Send the Article
Hello Anna,
we do accept guest posts.
Anna, We Would Love to Publish Your Articles
Hello Anna,
we would love to publish your articles.
Guest Blogging Request With Your Blog http://www.weightlosstrium
Hello Admin, My name is Mily. I recently visited your blog. It is quite interesting and so I am interested in offering you some Unique guest posts in your blog. My contents would be 100% unique and there would be 1 link going to my site If you allow me to do so I would be very obliged and helpful to you. Thanks for your valuable time to read our mail. I will look forward to hearing from you soon. Waiting for your earliest reply. Best Regards, Mily Smith (Blogger)
Hi there,
I was wondering if
Hi there,
I was wondering if I could get some info for banner advertising (Ideally a site wide, un-rotated banner ad) on your site?
We would like to do a test buy as soon as possible.
Thanks very much,
Wayne Vassell
D Three Marketing
But once you’ve paid you
But once you’ve paid you membership at a fitness club you are much more likely to go. For a start, you won’t want to waste that money you paid out, but in addition to that there will be personal fitness trainers available to make up a personal fitness plan for you.
Life can only get better when
Life can only get better when your fitness levels improve.
Guest post on your website
Hi Matthew,
I recently came across your platform here, while I was surfing around the web for informational content.
I also saw that you accept guest post.
But before I move on with my request, a small introduction of myself would be nice, right?
So I’m a 23 year-old master student, currently majoring in Occupational Health Psychology and I have a particular interest in Sports Psychology, Life coaching, general well-being. I do believe that sports are the best way to keep in shape and I can say that from experience, as I did gymnastics for 8 years. It really helped me with my general mood, my Diabetes and keeping a positive attitude.
So I don’t know if you are familiar with the news, but it has been demonstrated that certain fitness supplements can help people lower their body fat, generate positive well-being and keep them in good shape. And among those supplements, testosterone supplements are included in the category.
My question is: Do you allow guest posts related to the use of testosterone supplements?
And if you do, can you send me more details, for instance how many seo links are allowed, as I can see the wanted length in the rules you posted above.
I’m helping someone promote their online store while also informing people of the good parts and not so good parts in taking them.
Thank you for your time.
And let me know if it’s possible to publish articles on your platform.
Warm regards,
Guest post
I’d like to submit a guest post about the link between exercise and lower incidence of breast cancer. Where do I send the post?
Inquiry for guest posting
Hello, I read your guest post and i am quite wonder for writing a article on your blogs. My article would be unique and related to your niche. I would be add one link for my site in author bio. so can you please tell me how much time will you take for the live my article? what is the process ? Thanks, Shaly
Where Can i Send articles?
I would love to send out my articles, but where can I send it?
I would like to write an article for your website
Are you currently accepting guest posts on website ?
My name is Jenni Roi and I am a freelance writer to help them reach new audiences online by developing content partnerships with good quality blogs and websites like yours.
I would like to stress that the article itself will not be self-promotional – I strive to ensure each piece I write is unique, written exclusively for your website and offers value to your audience.
If you are happy for me to do so, then I will include a reference to my client in the byline so that your readers can find out more if they wish.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in?
I look forwards to hearing from you.
All the best,
Jenni Roi
Roxana, Send Me Your Articles
Hi Roxana,
we would welcome an article related to the use of testosterone supplements provided it is well-researched, informative, well-written, and insightful.
Interested In Writing a Guest Post
I work for a gynecology company and I would love to create a guest post for your site. We have a variety of weight loss topics we could write about, but would be open to what you have in mind. Let us know if you’re interested.
Guest Posting
Just emailed you guys at I really hope your readers like my article!
Opportunity to Guest Post
Hi Matthew!
I came across your site this morning while searching for tips on interval training, and stumbled upon the article regarding HIIT being not enough for losing body fat. I found it really engaging and well-written, plus I ended up reading about five other posts too, which is always a great sign!
I’m really interested in writing a guest post for you, as I’ve got some exciting content ideas which I think will work well with your audience. If you think there is an opportunity for us to work together I would be delighted to put these to you.
I hope you have a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you via email!
Ten Great and READILY AVAILABLE Superfoods
Hi there,
I really love the site!I’ve been reading for a while now and I’ve been inspired to write a guest post for the blog.
Could you get in touch to let me know where to send it for review?
It is a practical look at super foods (supermarket available) in response to the endless exotic celebrity recommendations that most people do not have access to.
I really want to contribute to this great site!
weight loss
Hey there,
We have been reading the articles on your website and are very impressed with the quality of your information. We have a team of copywriters who specialize in writing articles on various topics and would like to write an original article for you to use on your website – this article will not be used anywhere else on the Internet.
In exchange all we ask is that we can have one or two links within the body of the article back to one of our sites. If you are interested in having us write an article for your website please just let me know and we would be more than happy to have one written for you within two days.
Kind regards,
guest post request
I came across on your site and got interested. I’ve been writing relevant articles like on your website. It would be such an honor if you allow me to post articles with a good content to be posted in your website. It nice to share good articles to your readers. Looking forward to work with you. Thank You.
Pierre Cruise
Hi , I am Ashley Brown, a Dietitian and Nutritionist .I always love to share my knowledge about nutrition,proper diets,weight-management and personal care etc so that people can get benefits out of it. I have written many blogs and posts in the past. I find your posts very helpful and interesting and i too want to post articles related to herbs and herbal products on your website without charging you a single penny. I think that an article, which is related to the theme of your website, could be of some potential value to your readers.I would really love to work with you and come up with a guest contribution . It would be my pleasure if I can contribute with something in the success of your blog and one thing that I can say with my experience that this blog have great potential. I also assure you that the article will be published only on your site, but in return all I need is just one link within the article . It would be such a pleasure to hear from you. Please contact me anytime. Thanks & Regards, Ashley Brown
Hi there! I would like to
Hi there! I would like to submit a guest post about shoulder pain. If pain and soreness in your shoulder is making everyday tasks difficult there are a wide range of treatments available to alleviate the discomfort. While shoulder pain is a common complaint, not all shoulder pains stem from the same cause, and getting the right treatment requires getting the diagnosis right first.
Guest Post Opportunity
I just want to thank you for your wonderful website. It’s a great place to find interesting and original information about Fitness & Health Advice and Tips. I really loved this article that you posted earlier this year –
I also noticed that you have posted some guest contributions on your site and wanted to know if you are you still accepting guest posts?
I am working with a company called New Life Nutrition and the owner Julie Masci is currently looking for guest posting opportunities. I would love to send you her latest article for consideration – or if you have a specific topic that you would like to see covered, she is more than happy to write on that?
Sharon Freeman
Guest writing for you
I noticed there are posts on HIIT vs slow steady state cardio, and “life without bread”. Well I have some input to share on these topics, as well as others, that I know will be interesting to your readers. There are products like Ezekial bread, that fitness figures (Fitness model Amanda Adams etc), swear by, as well as a new product P28 (a protein bread), that will allow you to keep good carbs in your diet while promoting muscle maintenance and growth by keeping high protein in your diet. I could even make a post about good carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc) and cool recipes to make with them (sweet potato soufflés, rice patties, or SP donuts), or pasta alternatives. I just graduated in May, and did not actually study nutrition, but I was a 2 sport division I athlete, and I just started doing bikini competitions a week after graduation. Meanwhile studying my course curriculums, I have been learning things on the side about nutrition and how to eat according to your goals. Although I may not be able to explain with 100% accuracy and thorough detail, what the digestive process and body functions are that will take place inside your body, I can speak in terms that your readers can follow!
Please check out my blog as well.
Writing is something I
Writing is something I continually strive to get better at. I would be interested in writing some guest posts for you.
Lose Weight Naturally with a Vegan Diet.
I would like to write an article for your website with the title above. Because I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life, I feel qualified to share my success with the vegan diet.
Changing to a vegan diet has allowed me to lose weight naturally with out dieting. There is no need to count calories or practice portion control. Eat when hungry and to complete satisfaction.
What could be better.
Thank you
Karen Coghlan
Guest Post: Tennessee Nurses Gets Help in Lifting
I have been following your site,, for some time and would like to offer a guest post. I currently have an article on Tennessee Nurses Gets Help in Lifting available for posting. Please let me know if this topic would interest you and your readers and I would be happy to send you a draft.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Guest Post – Just celebrity hype or do they really work?
I would like to contribute an informational post on weight loss on the topic – ‘Just celebrity hype or do they really work?’.
Let me know if you are interested to know more about this.
Thanks & Regards,
Tom White
Article for your blog
Hello, I have quality unique article about food and dependence: psychiatric advice! If you are interested – just let me know. Thanks More information about How to Become a Psychiatrist…
Interested Guest Blogger
Hi, How are you doing? I am Joyce Del Rosario. I am a health and fitness blogger. I am a long time reader of your blog. Whenever I read your blog, I always imagine myself being featured in your site but I don’t have a good topic to share during those times so I didn’t take the chance to contact you.
I have a great topic to share to your blog readers. It’s entitled “You're Not Going Any Thinner!” This will surely capture the interest of your readers since this will feature the things they are doing wrong in their weight loss program. In case you want to take a peek with my article, here is a sample:
I hope to hear from you soon. Any social media help that I can do for the promotion of your site or if you want me to share some news to my colleagues, please do inform me. I will be more than willing to help.
Joyce Del Rosario
P.S. I have read the article regarding weight loss tips for nurses and it has been very informative, especially since I’m also a nurse. I salute your blog for always delivering quality content. I hope you continue being an inspiration to your readers.
Body Wraps for Weight loss
Hey guys, I am interested in guest-blogging for your site. My website is about body wraps, and thus I would like to provide some info about what they are good for, what they are not, as well as when it's safe and not safe to use them, etc. I will not be promoting my site, but do hope I can have a bio at the bottom of each article with a link back to my site.
Body Wraps can be used to aid with people's weight loss plans and are used by many Salons and Spas to help their clientele lose inches and reduce cellulite. However, some body wraps reduce inches due to water loss, while others do it from detoxifying the body.
My goal is to educate consumers so they know how to choose the right body wraps for their weight loss goals. Some of the topics might be:
1) Do Body Wraps for weight loss really work? – What to expect from performing body wraps at Salons or home.
2) Beware of body wraps for weight loss – Body wraps are intended to be used only as supplements to healthy diets, and exercise, anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to scam you. 3) Do Body Wraps really help lose inches, reduce cellulite and detoxify? The truth about Body Wraps finally exposed.
If you don't find any of those topics relevant, I can come up with other ones that might be more interesting to your readers. I have written for several blogs such as the following:
And a few more. I look forward to hearing back from you with a favorable answer, Thanks!
Article writing
I would love to write for you and because I write for a over 40 audience I think it will be beneficial to both of us
I’d like to write for you
I've been looking around trying to find places to guest post on. I have a site, that I would like to spread the word about. If you would like some unique free content please let me know and i'll send it over.
Life Particle TV
I see you are accepting Guest Posts and would like to introduce you to Life Particles – as conceptualized by visionary Ilchi Lee, are considered to be the building blocks of all life; with them one has the potential to create anything.
LPTV produces live broadcasting and video-on-demand programs about highly sought after health and well-being topics: guided meditations, awakened living tips, and other mind-boggling energy healing modalities that are improving people’s lives every day. I’d love to stream some content to you, either written or a video.
Here is a quick sample of the light-inspiring, accessible work we offer
Sending you the best, Kelly
Guest posting
Hi there,
I have seen that you accept guest articles on your website. I am wondering if the “offer” is still available.
I’ve read the guidelines and I would really like to post an article. And who knows, maybe I will become a regular contributor.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Guest Post submitted
Hey, I submitted some content to you but didn’t hear back from you. Could you please let me know if you like it?
Hello Marc,thank you for
Hello Marc,
thank you for your article.
It's horribly writtenIt contains many awkward expressions. It's not written in good English and therefore I cannot publish it. Do not get discouraged though. Hire a professional writer from (or another freelance service) and have them re-write your article for $10-20 so that it will read well. I do this all the time with my own assignments given that I am not a professional writer either.I hope you understand that the quality of the articles we publish in WeightLossTriumph must be good enough so that our readers will enjoy reading them. Send me your article again.
Send Me Your Article
You are very welcome to send me your article. Make it informative, well-researched and newsworthy. Do not rehash "old" information. I will be happy to publish it.
Looking Forward to It
Dear Joyce,
I am eagerly awaiting for your article. I will publish it within a week.
Great Information
Hello Rachelle,
this is great information. Send me your article and will publish it within a week.
Following Google Panda and Penguin we can afford publishing only content that is
If the article elaborates on an "old" topic (a topic that has been around for years) it should at least have an insightful spin in it.
We do not publish articles that provide nothing but rehashed information.
Looking forward to your article.
Hello Ashley,
I would love to
Hello Ashley,
I would love to publish your article. Send it over.
Guest posts
I have a number of guests posts online as I used to write for some major Universities about their online programs, I currently am working for a company that deals with weight loss and health products and I am interested in contributing to your blog. Below are a few samples of my work, if you are interested please contact me for a unique article that will be well researched. Regards, Pete
Weight Loss/Diet Article
Hi Matthew. Great site you have here and I'm interested in guest posting. Here's the latest post on my site: What are Antioxidants? I really try to put a lot into my posts and engage and entertain the reader. Let me know if you're interested and I'll create a post for Weight Loss Triumph. Kind regards! Jeff
Guest Post for your blog
Hi Matthew,
I am Sagar and working for Newsbeats. I come to your blog from Google and seem that you are doing so well. And that’s why I am interested to write a guest post on your blog. Our Writers have written on many topics which are new and unique for your blog and your readers will like to read it.
Doctors say Ayurveda is bad for diabetics
Too much light at night causes depression
I want to guest post other articles too which been written by our writers but not know how to write a guest post on your blog.
Do you need unique articles?
I have seen your blog and it seems to have a lot of valuable content. We have articles related to your website and we would like to promote our website. We would like to offer you unique fresh content on the condition that we have 1 or 2 anchor text links back to our site. We will set up everything for you. You would just need to copy n paste.
We do our research on content and check for its potential popularity before we write these articles and we can also promote these contents on our social media channels for you. It’s win – win for both of us.
Please let me know if you will be interested by the return of the email.
Guest Post Contributor
Hi there,
I am an avid reader of Weight Loss triumph. Your articles are really interesting. I have read your blog about Why HIIT is Not Enough To Lose Fat. I have always believed that HIIt is already enough to lose fat. Apparently, it’s not. Thank you so much for that information!
I am thinking if I can contribute too. I want to share an article about The Downsides of A No-Carb Diet.
I look forward to working with you.
Janella Giselle G Domingo
Guest Posting
I see that you accept “guest posts” and I would be happy to write a creative and exciting article for you. I am an experienced and engaging writer for a major medical website who can write intriguing articles on topics related to your site. Are you still accepting guest posts because if so I have a great article that your readers would love to read.
Please let me know where I can submit the article too if so.
Proposal for unique Guest post
Hello ,
This is John & I work as a content writer in many Health communities,I discovered your site ( through search engine and dig how informative your site, so I was interested in offering you some Unique content to post in your site .The content would be 100% unique content. If you allow me to do so I would be very obliged & helpful to you …
Awaiting for your positive & earnest reply soon….
Thanks for your valuable time to read our mail. I will look forward to
hearing from you soon .
Yours truly ,
John Stuard
Want to write article for your blog
I am helping [] manage their guest blogging campaign & I am interested to provide article for your blog.I will be providing completely unique article for the blog post which has never been used anywhere else.
I could provide any article on [Health] topics you provide or I suggest whichever is fine with you.
For reference you can see following links where I have submitted my articles:
Please let me know if that’s something that may be of interest!
Caren Lee
Follow up
Hi guys just following up on a post I wrote?
About Guest posting
Hi Admin,
We have unique and genuine articles which needs to be published on your site.
Once article is published will not be shared with anywhere else.
Articles are on Health related Topics such as How to loss weight, Healthy diet,Exercise
Guest post!
Hello there!
Just managed to upload my first (Of many… hopefully) guest post! Let me know if it is worth publishing on your website.
In relation to reviewed guest post
Hello Matthew,
Proposal for unique Guest post
Hello ,
This is John & I work as a content writer in many Health communities,I discovered your site ( through search engine and dig how informative your site, so I was interested in offering you some Unique content to post in your site .The content would be 100% unique content. If you allow me to do so I would be very obliged & helpful to you …
Awaiting for your positive & earnest reply soon….
Thanks for your valuable time to read our mail. I will look forward to
hearing from you soon .
Yours truly ,
John Stuard
Hi ,
I am Jenny Williams an avid blogger by hobby, and Dermatologist by profession. I always love to share my knowledge about nutrition, proper diets, skin care, beauty and personal care so that people can get benefits out of it. I have written many blogs and posts in the past.
Your website is very amazing, which interested me to explore it more deeply. I think a guest contribution that discusses anything related to the theme of your website, will interest you readers and offer a value addition to the website. Or perhaps, we can work on any specific topic you have in mind. Either way, I would love to hear your views regarding a guest contribution.
I'm happy for any changes you want to make. I respect your quality standards, guidelines and I will make sure that I work my level best to promote the post when it goes live.
If you allow me to write a post for you then I will send you the post.
Waiting for your positive response.
guest post
Hello, my name is Sonia Jackson (I represent and I'd like to contribute with you. I can provide an article "7 things that motivate you to go to a gym". If you are interested in it or if you want to propose some special topic, please, write me to I'm looking forward your response. Thanks, Sonia
Hello, I was going
Hello, I was going to post the following to my clients site (, but I thought I would go to you with the post because we really enjoy your stuff. I believe these posts will greatly benefit your readers and fit well within the context of your blog. Here are exclusive guest posts that we currently have available:
Let me know if you are interested and I can send over the post(s)
Send Them Over
Hi Anthony,
just upload the articles according to the guidelines. Keep the quality high and I will post them all.
Guest Posting Request
While I was idly searching for topics related to health and fitness today, I stumbled upon Weight Loss Triumph. I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting much quality from blogs dwelling on this topic but I was easily proven wrong when I got to your site. The information presented on every post is exhaustive and very detailed so I was able to understand the concept easily.
I just want to know if you would be interested in letting me guest post on your website. I keep a blog which dwells on the same category as yours so I guess it’d be cool to share my expertise to a new set of audience and contribute to your site at the same time.
Let me know what you think.
Regarding Article Writing
Hope you are doing well.
My name is Stefanos. I am a professional articles, blogs and content writer. I am interested into posting my Articles in your concerned website. So, could you please assist me with this. If convenient could you please provide me the particular topics that you wish to have the articles written on to.
I will be obliged to have a topic supplied from your end.
Your response for the same will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Stefanos Anastasiadis
Poor articles here
Somehow your standards have fallen. Not only is this article boring but the English is poor. I didnt know that waistline was a muscle? Perhaps only on this blog?
You Are Right
Hello Iron Simba,
you are right. I published this crappy article on purpose just to give you an example of what I mean when I say (see above) that "most of you guys submit total garbage".
I would like to share the benefits of Colon and Liver Cleansing
I would like to submit some guest posts on your website. I’m a fitness expert who runs a fitness bootcamp for fat loss, and will be currently launching a new website on the benefits of colon and liver cleansing combined with my intense fat loss exercise programme.
I would like to follow up on the status of my post please?
Hi there! I would just like to follow up any progress in the article I sent you about a week ago. Thank you very much!
Andrina, Thank You for Your Article
here is your first article published:
Looking forward to the second one.
Amanda, Your Article is Published
Hello Amanda,
thank you for your well-researched article:
You`re Welcome
Its my pleasure Matt to work with you. I will have my second article soon. I will let you know.. Thanks once again! More powers..
Request to submit articles to guest posting facility
Hello Matthew
I’d like you to consider articles I create ‘on topic’ for your guest posting facility.
In the interests of transparency I am creating a review site (which is in it’s infancy) and I do hope that it can demonstrate, maybe even just some, of the rigorous standards your site employs.
I understand your time is precious but hope for a speedy (and candid) reply
best regards
Russell Bright
Are you interested in Free Guest Posting
Are you currently accepting guest posts on website ?
My name is Jenni Roi and I am a freelance writer to help them reach new audiences online by developing content partnerships with good quality blogs and websites like yours.
I would like to stress that the article itself will not be self-promotional – I strive to ensure each piece I write is unique, written exclusively for your website and offers value to your audience.
If you are happy for me to do so, then I will include a reference to my client in the byline so that your readers can find out more if they wish.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in?
I look forwards to hearing from you.
All the best,
Jenni Roi
Request for Guest Post
Hello There,
I am helping manage their guest blogging campaign & I am interested to provide article for your blog.
I will be providing completely unique article for the blog post which has never been used anywhere else. I could provide any article on "The Secrets of Natural Soup for Weight Loss" topics you provide or I suggest whichever is fine with you.
For reference you can see following links where I have submitted my articles:
2. Please let me know if that's something that may be of interest! Sincerely, Angela Wilson
Hey WLT,
I would be interested in writing a guest post for your site.
I have written many posts before. (I represent a charity called
I think it would be really interesting to write about weight loss in regards to age. Is it safe to Diet when older? Would you diet any differently when older?
I think this would be a good read and it would attract many more readers. Let me know what you think.
Guest Post Request
Hi, This is Jessica from Health Protected website and I have greatly enjoyed looking through your website I have a website –, a private health insurance advisor assisting to find the best cover online. We are partnered with leading private medical insurance providers in UK.
I was wondering if I could publish a guest post on your site. It would be great if you allow me to add a couple of do follow links in the author bio section of the guest post. I can assure you that we focus more on the reader's interest.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Here is our sample of works:
Thanks for your time Best Regards, Jessica
Guest Blog Post
Good Day Sir / Ma’am,
I’ve read you guidelines and I’m interested in submitting well- researched and quality articles related to Health and Fitness, Addiction Resources · Drug & Alcohol Rehab and Sober Living Homes to your website.
If you find this proposal agreeable and mutually beneficial, feel free to contact me at
You can specify what you require for articles to get posted onto your website/blog. We will certainly adhere to your standards and requirements.
Working full-time for PinAgency.Com catering to its impressive pool of clients SweetSweat.Com and CasaNuevoVida.Com.
Best Regards,
Roger Pahuriray
SEO Specialist
Post Deleted
I submitted an article title "Paleo Diet – The New Trend" which has beem removed? Could you please confirm me the reason ?? So that I can submit updated article
Guest Blog Post for you to Consider
Hello My name is David Bloom, CEO and Founder of My site provides information about fitness, reviews about various home gyms / fitness equipment, diet pills and bodybuilding supplements. I hope you would like the site. Also, I have been a regular reader of your blog and I like it very much. A quick thank you for maintaining such a beautiful and informative blog. I am interested in writing a guest post for your blog.
Are you currently accepting guest posts on your blog? If yes, I have the following ideas for you to consider.
Topic : 10 Homemade Food Hacks For Better Skin And Hair Summary : Every single person can improve the way skin and hair look in the comfort of their own home. This post will include a list of top 10 easily available foodstuffs that you can use to get flawless skin and lustrous hair that you had always been dreaming of.
Topic : 10 Tips On How To Put A Stop To Emotional Eating Summary : Emotional eating is a huge problem for every single person affected by it. In addition, all people can be affected when they lose a partner or when they fail something in life. This helpful post will highlight the destructive disadvantages of emotional eating and will arm you with 10 hot tactics to effectively control the habit by making important lifestyle changes to inculcate healthy eating.
I hope you can let me know if you think any of the above post ideas could be interesting for you. You would also see me blogging very soon at fitness-events blog. That is in-process of development right now.
So, I cannot show you any reference posts for my writing style right now, but I can assure you that you are going to love the quality of posts that I am going to write – since they are going to be very much info packed, highly researched and detailed posts written in "How-to" magazine style posts with a lot of decent images (or screenshots wherever applicable) for better explanation. I would love it if you give me a chance to guest blog at your blog. I look forward to hearing from you. Best, David Bloom CEO and Founder,
weight loss
Come CHECK OUt my website…it's amazing…i lost 70 pounds in 4 months after i had two babies!
Hi There,
I visited your site recently. And I must say that your site has got really good and worthy information. While reading your articles I found them to be really good and informative. I am a regular visitor of your site and I have been reading them since quite a long time.
I work as a content writer in many health and skin care communities and so I was just wondering if I can do something for your wonderful site. I would like to give you a unique article of around 500 words on any topics of skin infections. I assure you that the article will be published only on your site. I won’t be charging you a penny, but in return all I need is just one link within the article. I have written so many blogs in my past.It would be my pleasure if I can do something for your blog.
Please feel free to get in touch with me regarding this anytime if you are interested.
Looking forward for your positive reply.
Kind regards,
Ella Torres
Submitted Article
I can't figure out your system at all. I think I submitted an article for your review last week (The HCG Diet: Why All The Controversy?The HCG Diet: Why All The Controversy?) but I have no idea where it went or if you saw it. Anyway, I am withdrawing my offer. It will be posted on a different site.
Application for the Guest Blogging
Hello Admin,
I’ve been reading your blog on since long. All of those that I have read are informative and beneficial too. I highly appreciate the information posted on your blog regarding Health.
Moreover, I would love to share my insights in terms of knowledge and information for your readers by posting on your blog.
As of now I have blog related to “Health” which i wish to post on your blog.
Could you please let me know as how should i proceed ahead?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Ryan Holman
Jessica, Thank You for Your Article
Hello Jessica,
thank you for your contribution to
I was not able to post your article because, if I remember correct, it had nothing to do with the topic of this site.
In addition, you posted your article on the Comments Section, as a comment. You need to upload it to the site as an article, instead.
Anyway, you are welcome to submit another article, following the Guest posting guidelines.
Looking for high quality unique article?
Hi, I noticed that you are welcoming guest bloggers who provide high quality and interesting articles. I'd like to provide you with high quality content in exchange for some exposure to your readers and links back to my website. Moreover, I have a facebook fanpages, a twitter account, and a pinterest board; all with real fans and followers.
Once my content is published on your site, I'll be happy to share it to my audience as well. Please let me know if you're interested so we can get started right away. All the content will be well-optimized and informative with pictures that are legitimate. (No copy right violation).
I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best, Claire
Want to Write For You
Hi mate i just saw your blog and it is very nice and i have a few articles written and if you allow me to submit then let me know on this as these articles are best suited for your blog.
Diet Guest post and Gift Offer
Hi , I enjoy reading your blog and want to contribute. I write content about fitness tips , diet, gym, exercise, weight loss, yoga and bodybuilding. These topics would be a great fit for your blog.
As an example I have included some of my previously published guest posts. They can be seen live here:
Gift Offer Backlink from this page: PR-3 and DA-33 Or PR-1 and DA-34
Are you accepting posts? Thanks Russel
Guest Posting
Hi Matthew, I submitted some content to you but didn't hear back from you. Could you please let me know if you like it? Thanks
Jee Ivan CEO And Founder
guest post writing
Hi! I’m Liam Wills and I was hoping I could have a recent article of mine published onto your site. It’s entitled “Five Criteria That Help Assess the Value of a Particular Protein Supplement” and it’s around 554 words. Here is the link to the article in full:
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. I hope you do publish it.
Yours truly,
Interested In Guest Blogging
Interested In Guest Blogging
Guest Blog Post Opportunity
Hi ,
Great informative Website.I occasionally write articles which are research oriented and suitable as per the changing plans of life. I look for high-quality blogs/websites that address similar topics or a similar audience and I was hoping I could publish something on your site.
Here are some topics I am working on now:
1. All You Can Eat and Still Lose Weight
2. The Power of Protein
3. Low Carb Diet
4. Type 2 Diabetes Diet
This content will be published exclusively on your website (I won’t post it on other websites). I have gone through your website and have seen the guest post topics mentioned. I can assure you that my articles will meet all the requirements and shouldn’t cause any difficulty in publishing it.
Please feel free to revert back regarding any questions.
Thanks and Regards
Make Trampoline Family Member with Every day Physical Exercise
Hope you are doing great.
I’ve been reading your blog on “” since long. All of those that I had read are informative and beneficial too. I highly appreciate the information posted on your blog .
Moreover, I would love to share my insights in terms of knowledge and information for your readers by posting on your blog.
As of now I have blog related to “Kids Sports & Health” which i wish to post on your blog.
Could you please let me know as how should i proceed ahead?
Waiting for your positive response.
Thanks & Regards,
Change your life!
I have some valuable information about how to safely, nutritionally, and soundly lose weight, get healthy, and improve your finances (if you want that) all at one time! AdvoCare products have been scientifically developed by reputable doctors and scientist and are independently tested by Informed Choice. Dr. Oz has even recommended these products. has all the information you need to decide on finally changing your life for the better. AdvoCare is currently running a contest. Lose weight and get in the running for $1000. Why not let them pay you to look good? This is just another example of how AdvoCare can change your life. We can now stay home and raise our kids ourselves, pay off all our bills, and buy anything we want including vacations with our family! Time is priceless. Change everything today with this one simple step. Call us at 765-216-5899.
Proposal For Guest Post(
I was just going through few sites and blogs yesterday and came across your site too. I really liked the way you have presented your site. I was reading some of your content and really found them interesting and informative. So I was just wondering if I can also do something for your site.
Actually I am a freelance content writer and I love writing articles as a hobby on topics related to seo. What if I provide you with an unique article as a Guest Post absolutely FREE!! An article that will be informative for your readers. The article will be related to your website and will be appreciated by your readers.
It would be great if you can add a small BIO of mine at the end of the article with my related site’s links. I guarantee you that the article will be 100% copyscape protected and will be of around 500 words. Here are some titles for you, hope you love them…
1: Things you should know before go any weight loss porgram
2: Top 5 dieting alternatives for loosing weight
3: How exercise help to raise body weight
Please let me know if this sound good to you, so that we can start working on your article.
Best Regards,
Kelly Marsh
Upload Your Article
Hello Kelly,
Thank you for your interest in publishing articles in WLT. I would love to have you guest post on WLT. We only accept articles that are professionally written, and VERY well researched. Feel free to write on any of the topics you mentioned. A word of caution: If there is another article on the web, on the same topic as yours, that is better written than yours, we will not accept your article. So, make sure you write the best article you can. Take information from several sources, provide newsworthy information, report on relevant scientific findings (if any), quote experts' statements, cite credible articles, etc
Upload Your Article
great David, upload your articles and I will approve them.
Guest Posting Request
Hello There,
My name is Dorothy and I’m a professional blogger.
I have over three years of experience writing for the web and have covered plenty of topics about Legal Industry.
I noticed that you have a blog and was wondering if you would be interested in allow me to write relevant, useful topics about Legal on your blog at no cost.
At this point in my writing career, I simply want to get more visibility for your writing and I will write for free as long as you are okay with me adding a small author bio section next to each blog post about myself.
Please let me know if you’re interested and if you’d like for me to submit a sample blog post for your approval.
Thanks a bunch,
I would love to write for you
I would love to write for you guys. I like what you do on the blog and hope that you keep more of this type of content available for readers.
Guest post submission
Hello this is Christian Blake of Please I would like to make a request for you to redirect all the mails that you will send to me to in regards to the post that I sent to you, this is because my mail experienced some irregularities. Please I am sorry for any inconvenience that this might cause you, thank you for your understanding.
Regaeding Guest Blog on Your Website
My name is Arielle Sobov and I’m getting in touch with you regarding your website’m currently working with a Internet Marketing Agency in Pennsylvania, PA. I come to know that you people do allow authorized Guest Blogger to post on your website have few clients who match with the your theme of your website and are interested in guest Blogging and can provide you unique and useful Blog posts which might be interesting for you and your readers. I can share their write-ups with you.
Please let me know if you are interested. I’m available Monday to Friday and can be contacted via email
Guest Post – Arthritis.
I am contributing author and provides useful information on various topics related to joint health. I am inspired by nature and loves to use the natural remedies for people who are suffering from arthritis & chronic joint pain conditions.
I would like to post our arthritis topics on your blog & willing to share & post your topics.
Let me know if you are intrested.
Guest Posting Request
Hello There,
My name is Lynn and I’m a Professional Blogger. I have more than 3+ yrs of experience writing for the web and have covered plenty of interesting topics.
I came across your blog and was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to write relevant & useful topics on your blog at no cost.
At this point of my writing career, I simply want to get more visibility for my writing and I will write for free as long as you are fine with me adding a small author bio section following the blog post about myself.
Please let me know if you are interested and if you’d like for me to submit a sample blog post for your approval.
Thanks a bunch,
Guest Post
I am have a blog about foam rollers, and would love to write an article for your readers. I write a blog according to your guidelines. I can even tailor it to your specificaions if your think your readers like somethings more. Please let me know!
Kind Regards,
Guest Post Contribution Application
Hello Admin,
Hope you are doing great !!!
I have found that you are looking for freelance writer for your blog
I would like to know you that I am a freelance writer and I have a well written article related to your blog. I am interested in contributing to your blog
Please let me know If you are interested, so that I can send you an article. I ensure you that articles which I am going to provide you
* Will be unique.
* Will not be redistributed to others.
* You will own the entire copyrights.
Below are some sample links of my previously done work. Please have look on it.
Give me a chance to prove myself. Waiting for your positive response. —
With Thanks & Regards,
Anthony Carey Mail ID:
We’d like to write for you!!!
To whom it my concern,
My name is Katelyn Roberts and I’m working with Native Remedies to help raise their visibility on authoritative blogs like yours. We’d love to create a guest post for you – a couple ideas we had are:
a. Natural Solutions to stress relief
b. Tips for staying calm when the family schedule is out of control
c. Power food for an active lifestyle
d. Natural anxiety solutions for young adults.
but if there’s a specific topic you think your audience would like to learn more about we’d be happy to write a post about that.
Does this sound like something your readers would be interested in?
If for any reason you think the articles might not be the right fit, please let me know if we can customize and article for your site!
Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Wishes,
Upload it
Hello Katelyn,
you are very welcome to write one or more articles with links to your site. Just follow our guidelines. Due to the garbage we often receive, we are selective, and we publish only good content.
Hello Antony
Hello Antony,
You are welcome to write for this blog. However, judging from the three samples you mention above, I would recommend you either try harder or hire a professional writer. Don't take that personally. I do it all the time. Upload your articles to the site and I will review them. Thank you again for your interest in contributing to the content of WLT.
Hello Matthew,
Hello Matthew,
Thanks for given quick and positive reply and also thanks for given a nice and important suggestion for my article writing. SO i am trying to improve my article writing skill. I will give you surety for my article and it will be good compare to my other article. currently I am doing hard work on my article so i will send it in just 4-5 days. I am waiting for your positive reply.
I would like to write an article for your website
I am Tina. I am a vivid writer and proficient guest blogger with extensive experience of writing on various topics across various domains.
I am interested in writing a post for your blog. In exchange all I ask is one or two back links within the body of the article or in author bio section back to one of our sites. I assure you that quality of article will be excellent and this post will not be used anywhere else on the web.
I will be interested in becoming a regular contributor to your blog by providing unique and fresh posts on regular basis.
Let me know if you are interested.
Looking forward to heard from you soon.
Have a nice day!
Guest Post Request
I’m Sonu.We have a suggestion which we hope will be useful for your web site.
We may be able to offer you some free of charge content for your website, in return for a link back to our site.
We have a dedicated team of professional writers. We can have them (at our expense) research and write some content specifically for you to publish on your web site
You have complete control over the subject and focus for each piece; the content will be unique to your web site and there are definitely no costs or other commitments for you. All we would ask is that for each piece of content you agree with us, you allow us to include one simple text link to my site within the content.
If you approve the content on your site, will provide social media promotion and drive traffic to the article (building your traffic and social signals).
Please let me know if this would potentially work for you and we can come back to you with further details.
Regarding Guest Posting
Hi Matthew,I have an active interest in writing and would be happy to contribute informative and interesting articles to your website. I am sure that your website visitors will find my articles interesting. In return I would expect one or two links in author bio to my money pages. My articles are related to Anxiety attacks and Stress. I would be happy to send you a sample if you prefer.
Please let me know if you need any other information to process my request.
There you go
There you go Devin
Sure Paul
Yes, Paul, please upload the articles according to the guidelines.
Guest Blogs
To Whom It May Concern:
I recently was on your blog and believe I have some articles that would be of interest to you. I was curious if you are currently accepting guest posts. Here are three articles I believe would fit nicely:
1. Different Types of Breast Implants
Women want breast implants for many reasons. Time, age and childbearing may have caused their breasts to lose volume and sag. For some women, their breasts are embarrassingly small or one breast is notably larger than the other. In some cases, women have lost a breast to cancer or some other illness.
2. Popular Plastic Surgery Misconceptions
The decision to get plastic surgery is a big one for any person. Therefore, it is important to be completely aware of everything that is involved in the procedure. The Internet has been the source of many unsubstantiated rumors and misconceptions about plastic surgery. Let’s take a look at some of the most common misconceptions:
3. Liposuction: A Simple Procedure
Liposuction is, in fact, a simple procedure. A board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon removes excess fat from the body by a cannula. Of course, there are procedures and protocols that happen before, during and after the operation, but liposuction has been proven to be a popular and safe way to lose fat. Fat is most often taken from the: thighs, buttocks, jowls, upper arms, cheeks, chest, the back and the abdomen.
Thank you for you consideration,
Reid Patrick Marvin
Guest Blogging
Hello Admin,
I am Sam; I own sites related to physiotherapy, injury rehabilitation. I am associated with health industry for last couple of years and like to contribute articles in several other health sites and blogs. Recently I came across your website and would like to contribute one article for this.
So kindly suggest your opinion on this, I would request to put a link to my website from my contributed article.
Looking forward to your valued reply,
Guest Posting Request
Hello, I’m a regular reader of I truly liked your site's article that you wrote about weight loss.
Since you have already published guest posts from different authors in your niche, I thought it would be nice if I too had an opportunity to present your site's readers with something of real value.
Over the recent past, I’ve contributed guest articles to several niche industry and I understand the need for unique and well-researched content. And I’m also very passionate about any topic or subject that I write about.
Please have a look at some of my recently published article –
I’d love to share my insights with the readers of your blog in a guest post. Awaiting your positive response, Regards, Alice Cheril
Google Plus
Guest writer
Hi Admin,
My name is Nasir and I blog for RocaLabs. I was wondering if you were open to accepting guest posts. If you are, I have an idea for a guest post topic that I think your readers would really appreciate.
The post would be about “gastric bypass alternative”. If that topic sounds like a good fit for your readers, I’d be happy to send you the finished post for your consideration.
Thanks for taking the time to consider it.
Kind regards,
Guest Post Submission
Hello, My name is Victory. I am a writer at Dicigs ( I appreciate the work you are doing on your website and I’d love to contribute here. I would like to submit a great article that would offer your readers real value. I hope you will give me the opportunity to post it on your site. Thank you. All the best, Victory
intrested in guest posting
Hi I would to do a guest post exchange with you or supply you with a guest post. here is a example of one of my guest posts
I have an article to offer
I am interested in your site
I hava an article to offer about”How To Lose Weight Effectively and Naturally”.
If you are interested in it, please send email to
Thank you,
FAO Matthew
Matthew. Once an article is submitted to you, how long does it usually take to be published (if quality is high enough obviously)?
Hello there, How are you? I am Patrick Del Rosario. I find your website really interesting and will really be honored if I can get my name published on your site. I can write a high quality and interesting article for your website. Will you be interested in a topic about Kickboxing Mistakes You Should Avoid.
By the way, just in case you want to see a sample of my work, here are they:
and I look forward to hearing from you.
Patrick del Rosario
Engaging Blog Post about Weight Loss
Hello Admin,
I found your blog very interesting. I think your blog acts like a huge informative platform to a huge audience waiting to explore the best possible weight loss options. With that in mind, I would like to contribute engaging and unique contents for your blog about “Weight Loss through Detoxification”.
I would love to know if you are open for new stories related to this topic and would like to see new posts (on the same topic)on your site.
Best Regards!
Look forward to your Response.
Guest Post….
This is a great idea, been looking to do some guest posting to get my brand out there and provide you and your readers a ton of value. My website is and I'll submit an article to you this week 🙂
Guest Post – Kratom & WeightLoss
Hello Matthew, Pinks here and I just emailed you to let you know that I am interested in Guest Posting on your site. One of my friend referred me your site. 🙂 My site is and I am interested to share my knowledge on how Kratom can enhance motivation, Natural healer and Weightloss. Please let me know if are interested to read the article I wrote and I will send you right away. Thank You Pinks
Guest Blog Posting
Hi there,
I am sending you a message to let you know that I really like your blog and I have a similar blog in the same niche and I was wondering if you allowed guest bloggers on your site. Of course I will write something of relevance to your readers and if you had any parameters that I need to follow please let me know.
Thank you,
Guest Post at
Hello Keli, I have a beads and jewelry website ( & was wondering if you would allow me to post a "guest post" at To be very honest, I am not a regular reader of your website. But I can see that you post about fitness & other related topics. I will provide you with a well written article on Shamballa Bracelets. I think your readers will be interested in this topic. Please let me know if you have some other suggestions for me. I will compose the article as per your request. This article will be specially drafted for you and will not be posted anywhere else. 🙂 Please let me know what you think about this. Regards. Himanshu Agarwal
Guest post submission request
I am Nickie Snyder. I work as content writer. Being a regular visitor of your blog, I have noticed the persistence and quality of content posted here. It is crisp, newsworthy and informative; something which I believe should be as a writer. I write regularly on numerous topics, but my specific focus is on online marketing. I have been thinking of contributing something for your blog. I assure you that all my posts are unique and something that offer value to readers.
Please let me know your views about topic related to online marketing or SEO. If you have any particular topic in your mind on similar lines, you can suggest that too.
I would not be charging anything, but in return all I need is just one link within the write-up for my site. It would be a great pleasure to contribute my bit for your blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to get in touch with me anytime.
Warm Regards,
Nickie Snyder
I am a blogger
I am a blogger but I have never done guest blogging, my friends and colleagues often ask me to do guest blogging on their sites but I think that if I am writing an article, I should add it on my blogs instead of anyone else’s blog. I know this is not a good thing but I just don’t know why I am being so stubborn?
I often feel strange when I see other people being so comfortable doing guest blogging. I hope someday even I will feel comfortable doing it.
Interested in Contributing a Guest Post
Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I came across "" and saw that you are looking for guest authors.
I'd love to have my writing team contribute an article, and even work together long term if there is an opportunity to do so.I will provide you a great content related to your blog niche. In return, I just need a link from below author bio section(link looks also natural) Like:- click here, web, read here. website etc…
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I hope to hear from you and work together soon! Thanks a lot for your attention, hope to hear back from you.
Have a good day !! Krish (Link Manager)
Web: Tel: 1-866-581-0038
Request for writting blog under “write for us” column
Hi, I am Lisa and i am a writer. Generally i like to write about health and fitness related topics. I am sure people will find my write ups interesting and informative if i get a chance to write a blog for your site. The topic will be related to “weight loss”. In return i would expect One or two links of my site in author bio to be published.
I will be obliged if you give me any title, Otherwise i also have suggestions for titles like:
1. Now weight Loss Become Easier
2. Loose weight quickly and attend upcoming parties
3. Loose weight Fast , Faster and Fastest
4. New Weight Loss Option for the Busy People
If you publish our Blog, we will derive traffic to the article on your site (by sharing it in our social network).
Request for writting blog under “write for us” column
Hi, This is Lisa again actually i have submitted my website's name wrong. Actually It is not the one i submitted in previous request.
This is Mark and I am a
This is Mark and I am a trainer at I think I can contribute to if you allow me to publish my writings here in your site. Thank You.
Guest Post Request
I would appreciate if you accept a Guest Post for your site. I have a good and unique article on Health topics which would be beneficiary for you.
Let me know your reviews. Waiting for your reply ASAP.
Jenny Lora
Guest post query
Hi, My name is Malini, and I work as a professional writer for ROI Media (, and we're always on the lookout for established online portals on which we can post guest-post content.
As a psychology graduate and online content writer, your site has really caught my eye. I would love to do a piece on "The Psychological After-Effects of Drastic Weight Loss". If you think an article could benefit you let me know and perhaps we can chat about some topic ideas.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Malini
Guest Posting
Hi, I am a representative of Ben Ong. He is the author of the best-selling guide "All about the Prostate" and a strong believer of natural holistic method in dealing with prostate disease and other metabolic diseases and Men's Health.
At present, he has 20,000+ readers in his newsletter many of whom also visit his blog. It appears that you both have a similar demographic or shared interest. To give you a little more information about his readers, they tend to be men above the age of 50, many with college degrees, and most of them with substantial disposable income.
On behalf of Ben Ong, I would like to offer you the opportunity to become a guest blogger on Ben's blog.
Thousands of visitors visit the blog every month. When you become a guest blogger and provide us with unique content based upon your interest you will be rewarded with links back to your website and other features that will help you to enhance and grow your own exposure and business. As well, Ben and his team of writers can also provide your blog readers with interesting and unique content.
To know more about it or if you have questions, please click on this Link or respond directly to this email
Best regards,
Carlo for Ben Ong
Validation of Guest post Ideas
Hi, my name is Miguel Lira. I am the Associate Content Editor at and I have an idea for a guest post I think your readers may like. The title of my guest post idea is: “3 Health Benefits of Ginger you Should Know About”.
Here are a few other article ideas:
-Healthy Sugar Alternatives to Keep in Mind
-3 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds you Must Know
-3 Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Parents Here are 3 blog posts that may give you an idea about the type of content we publish and our writing style:
At we love to talk about natural food choices that promote a healthy lifestyle while making sure food tastes great. We are currently looking for ways to reach a broader audience while building a network of strategic allies, and we would love to be part of your team of guest bloggers.
By the way, I really liked this post:, I certainly have noticed I am more productive when I exercise regularly.
Please let me know if you like my guest post ideas or if there are any other topics you would like me to explore. Thanks for reading this. Have an awesome day.
Guest Post Proposal
Hi there, My name is James McDuffy and I work for the online publication Muscle Growth Expert. I have been going through your website and think that its content and readability is excellent. I wanted to propose submitting a guest post on your site.
Our subject matter (as you can probably gather from the name) involves all aspects of bodybuilding and weight loss, focusing on beginners, because there’s a lot of stuff focused on experts, and not enough for people wishing to start out in bodybuilding or a weight loss routine. Our site is updated every week, sometime two or three times a week and we try to keep our audience as engaged as much as possible. Our visitor traffic is steadily increasing from week to week, which ultimately demonstrates our growing reputation as a credible bodybuilding site.
For your information, our URL is I thank you in advance for taking time to read my proposal, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Matthew, I am a great
Dear Matthew, I am a great fan of your Blog. I really liked the way you have presented your site. I was reading some of your content and really found them interesting and informative. So I was just wondering if I can also do something for your site.
Actually I am a therapsit and medical expert. I also contrubute content in different blog with health related information . What if I provide you with an unique article as a Guest Post absolutely FREE!! An article that will be informative for your readers. The article will be related to your website and will be appreciated by your readers.
It will be great if you allow me to write some health related articles for your blog. I ensure you reader will get some unique information on
1.Kinesiology tape a real pain killer, That is developed by the Japanese therapist Kenzo.
2.Kinesio tape also known as athletes tape , rock tape.
3.It is made from one kind of special medicine that can reduce sever pain and injury within a few seconds.
Please let me know if this sound good to you, so that we can start working on your article.
Best Regards,
Peter Faten
Peter, Upload Your Articles
Hello Peter,
feel free to upload your articles on according to the instructions.
Guest post
Good day. I’m Chelsea Sawyer I’m a nurse and a certified health coach who has been helping many people in changing their behaviors to keep them focused on achieving their health and fitness goals. With great passion for writing, my hobbies include writing and sharing helpful techniques on topics like losing weight, achieving a healthy lifestyle through physical activities as well as through proper diet and way of eating.
I would like to submit a guest post to your site. Thanks in advance. I’m hoping for your reply soon.
Writing About How Walking/Running Affects Eating Habits
Hi Matthew,
I am writing you about possibly submitting a guest post for Weight Loss Triumph. I was intrigued by the subtle benefits of walking in “Walking Increases Lifespan, Regenerates Brain, Study Finds”.
The post gave me an idea for an article about the benefits of walking vs running and how the two exercises affect your appetite/nutrition.
What do you think of the article idea? Please let me know.
About Me: I’m a freelance journalist and editor currently researching new health and fitness tips.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for reading.
Guest Post on Health Topic
Eye Care Guest Post
Greetings Sir,
My name is Joy and I have enjoyed reading your health blog for some time now. As a fellow blogger and a NICHE site owner, I would like to first thank you for the sheer volume of useful resources you have compiled for reader on you health & lifestyle related blog. I dig your style!
I noticed that you feature some guest postings from other authors in your blog on occasion. Is this something that you are still open to allowing? The reason I ask is because I also blog specifically about EYE health on my NICHE blog(
Assuming you are willing to consider a guest post submission, would you mind letting me know what type of post you are currently most interested in for your blog (relating to eye health) as i guarantee you the following (even i can come up with some good TITLES)
Hand crafted and well researched 700+ words on EYE HEALTH.
100% ORIGINAL, keyword researched and engaging content.
Your health niche readers and audience will love it as they will get to know a lot of overlooked but easy-to-implement eye health tips.
The article will be totally exclusive to you.
The article will also include internal links to related articles across your site to help keep your readers engaged with other content on your blog.
Being a long time reader and a full time niche blogger at this point, I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on the type of stuff your readers might enjoy and find helpful. However, I was just hoping to touch base with you to find out what you think would be best.
Now you must be thinking what i want from you in return, actually nothing big honestly.
All I ask in return is a dofollow link or two in the article body that will be relevant to your audience and the article.
If this isn’t something you are interested in, then no worries! Thank you for your time and consideration, either way.
I look forward to your response and keep up the great work!
Joy Mukherjee
Waiting for your reply- guest blogging writing
Hope you are doing well!
I hope this email finds you well. I'm just emailing to check the status of my guest blogging request. I’m waiting for your reply regarding the guest blogging writing permission for your Blog.
Please let me know if you require any assistance from my end.
Have a nice day Sir.
Thank & regards,
Komal Sharma
Guest Post On your website :
My name is Pamela and I have enjoyed reading health articles in your website for some time now.
As a fellow writer, I would like to first thank you for the sheer volume of useful resources you have compiled for writers in your website and across the web. I dig your style!
I noticed that you feature some guest postings from other writers in your website on occasion. Is this something that you are still open to?
The reason I ask is because I also write about varied topics on my websites. Assuming you are willing to consider a guest post, would you mind letting me know what type of post you are currently most interested in for your website?
Being a long time reader at this point , I feel that i have a pretty good grasp on the type of stuff your readers might enjoy and find helpful. However, I was just hoping to touch base with you to find out what you think would be best. If this isn't something you are interested in, then no worries!
Thank you for your time and consideration, either way. I look forward to your response and keep up the great work! Some of my work examples :
Thanks and Regards,
LIke to write for you
My name is Jack Dsouza. I have a penchant for looking out for content oriented blogs which endorse health.
My writing domain basically revolves around topics like business to business perspectives, financial solutions, latest technologies, product reviews, etc.
I have been a regular contributor to the blog since quite some time now.
If you have any specific topic that you want me to write on, do let me know.
Please revert so that we can discuss this in more detail.
Guest Blog Post for you to Consider
My name is Aileen Hines, I am writing you on behalf of
I have been a regular reader of your blog as I find it very engaging. I must thank you for maintaining such an informative and well-designed site. Practical Nursing Online is the leading resource for information about online training for licensed practical nurses.
I would like to invite you to have a look at the kind of courses and training material we offer at our site. I would love the opportunity to hear from you and discuss the possibilities of featuring on your blog. I am here to provide you with access to the resources you need.
I can also provide you with custom-written articles should you accept guest posts on your website. Are you currently accepting guest posts on your website? If yes, I have the following ideas for you to consider:
Title: LPN Programs: A Path To A Highly Rewarding Career
Summary: There are more LPN programs today than there were a few years ago. The demand for qualified nurses is increasing simultaneously as the demand for good quality health care rises. Before taking one of the best LPN programs in the country, this article will help you take a closer look at the rewarding career that lies ahead.
Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best LPN Programs
Summary: Choosing the right LPN program is the first step towards enjoying a highly rewarding career as a nurse. This article will not only talk about the basics – such as aspects to consider when choosing an LPN program –but also alternatives, including online LPN programs, to consider.
Title: Online LPN Programs: What Is Covered?
Summary: Do you want to know more about courses that are part of online LPN programs before enrolling to the right program for you? Then you have come to the right place. This article will discuss each course in details and help future nurses prepare themselves better for the course.I hope you shall let me know if you think any of the above would ideas be liked by your website’s audience.
Also, if you like the drift of them, but don't exactly like the topic and might have another topic in mind, I wouldn't mind writing on that too. I am very passionate about writing, and usually spend 5+ hours in tweaking a single article to make sure it makes most sense and tries to solve at least 1 purpose. Your readers would enjoy reading my articles, and feel that they have gained something after reading it.
I try to keep the language simple and easy to understand, while making sure the article in detail imparts the message that is required.
Lately, I have been managing a site about Fitness. They would give you an idea of my skills as a writer:
I look forward to hearing from you and getting an opportunity to write on your esteemed website.
I assure you that you won't be disappointed.
Upload Your Article Aileen
Hello Aileen,
you are welcom to guest blog on Weight Loss Triumh but your topic must relate to fitness, weight loss, nutrition, and the like. Read the guidelines above, and I will approve your article.
Upload Your Article Jack
Hi Jack,
thank you for your interest to contribute to the content of WLT. If you comply with the guidelines above, your article will surely be published within a week.
Pamela, Upload Your Article
Hello Pamela,
If you submitted an article already and haven't seen it published yet, I apologize for the delay. If your article satisfied our 2 Requirements (see above), I would certainly publish it within a week.
Please, go ahead and create your account on, and upload your article to my site, if you haven't already done so. You could see it published even today.
Komal, Upload Your Article and I will Publish it
Hello Komal,
follow the instructions given at the top of this page and I will publish your article.
Write for Us – Diet/Weight Loss/Fitness – Guest Post – Get
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Guest Posting Request
I was wondering if your accept guest posts for your website, i mean i will write articles related to your website for free.
As we are in to the same Health niche, i think i could write better articles for your site.
Please let me know your thoughts and also if you accept guest articles.
Please check out for article quality samples.
Let me know if there is anything else you would like to know.
Waiting For your Positive Reply.
Grace Wilson
Interested in a collaboration
I’ve been reading your blog and it occurred to me that your readers might be interested in posts on various topics that I like to write about.
I’d love to share my insights with your readers in a post, so please let me know which topic you want me to approach and I’ll write the article for you. Of course, I’ll follow your guidelines and I’ll provide an original content. I’ll send it to you as .pdf file to be easier to publish on your blog but I can also send it as MS Word Document or any other format, if you ask me to.
After you accept and publish my article, I can guarantee a minimum of 30 Shares on FaceBook, 10 G+ and 20 Tweets. This will increase your blog’s target audience and will bring new visitors without losing the old ones.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sebastian 🙂
Here is a Topic for You, Sebastian
Here is an interesting topic you can write about Sebastian. Please, read carefully the following articles. Using the information from these sources, write an article reporting on this newsworthy finding "Mediteranean Diet Lowers Stroke Risk in Genetically Predisposed People". Describe the study and its findings. If your article is well written, I will publish it immediately.
Weight Loss and Eye Health
Hello Joy,
thank you for your interest in contributing to the content of this site. I would love to publish all your articles and link to your site.
Since your site is about Eye care and my site is about Weight Loss, I suggest you write an article that bridges these two topics. Here is an idea:
"How obesity affects your eyesight"
If your article satisfies our 2 Requirements (see top of this page), I will certainly publish it within a week.
Please, go ahead and create your account on, and upload your article to my site, if you haven't already done so. Make sure you comply with our guidelines, and you could see it published even today!
Guest Article Submission
Hi, I am Steve Collins and I am a professional blog writer. By looking forward to your site I believe that I would have to write something for your site. I have some topics in my mind for your site like “How to Gym: Gymnastic tips for Body builders” or “Dietary guidelines for health and fitness”. If you have any particular topic in your mind on similar lines, you can suggest that too. I would not be charging anything, but in return all I need is just one link within the write-up for my site. Feel free to contact me.I am hearing for you reply.
Request for guest posting
I was wondering if your accept guest posts for your website, i mean i will write articles related to your website for free,
As we are in to the same Health niche, i think i could write better articles for your site.
Please let me know your thoughts and also if you accept guest articles.
Please check out for article quality samples,
Let me know if there is anything else you would like to know.
About a Week
Hi Debbie,
sorry I missed your question. It takes no more than a week. But it could be published the day it was submitted, too.
Cheney, Your Article Needs to Be Newsworthy
If you submitted an article already and haven't seen it published yet, I apologize for the delay. If your article satisfies our 2 Requirements, I will certainly publish it within a week.
A Guest Posting Proposal For You To Consider
My name is Aileen Hines. I have been an occupational therapist for the past decade now. Helping people lead a fulfilling, satisfying and a healthy life is something that has always given me a great amount of joy. I also love writing about matters concerning health, occupational therapy and other related fields because I feel people could benefit from my years of experience.
You can peruse some of my published works at the following links:
Besides the sighted examples of my work, I have ghost-written and been published in a number of reputed journals and publications. I am keen to feature a guest post on you blog as it would do wonders for my portfolio.
I present to you a few ideas that I feel will blend in perfectly with the flavour of your website:
I hope your reply is in the positive, so your readers get the opportunity to benefit from what I have to say.
Regards Aileen Hines
Guest Writer
Hi Matthew, My name is William and I’m working as a freelancer writer for a long time. I have read all the above mentioned guest post requests and I didn’t find anyone saying truth. Someone says who are longer time reader and some tell their experience. But the thing is, all want to publish their article whatever the reason is? I’m be the one of them with the same purpose. So coming to main point I would like to write a post entitled as “Belly Dancing Can Help You Lose Weight”. This post will be unique and never published anywhere. I already know your guest posting guidelines. Please let me know if you are interested.
Submitting Unique Exclusive Guest Post
Hi There, I stumbled up on your site on the internet when I searching top health blogs for guest posts, well, first of all I'd like to introduce myself, am Cecelia Gibson, live on Florida with my beloved husband and 2 mischievous kids. Among my busy schedule with my kids, am the admin of the site which share everything related with eye related problems and I only submit quality guest posts which provide valuable information's to your readers. I'd like you know that if there is chances to submit my guest post, am more than happy to submit one quality guest post with link back to my own site. Thanks.
Guest Post Contribution on your blog
Hi Piyush,
I am sure you get pitched on guest posts on a daily basis so I’ll keep this short. I am a long time reader of your blog and have been meaning to contribute – I didn’t have a great idea that I think you’ll love. Well, now I do. I stumbled upon an interesting topic on "Health".
Would you be interested in a guest post about the topic? And if you need it, here is a sample of my writing:
I look forward to your reply and I can't wait to get started!
Kind Regards,
Alice Mason
Writer and Blogger
Connect with me :
Facebook :
Twitter : @AliceMa82932317
LinkedIn :
inviation to become an affiliate
I would like to invite you to review our site and let me know your interest in becoming an affiliate of our website. Thank you.
About my uploaded article
Hi Matthew,
I recently uploaded my article, but I forgot to add my byline…,
I also couldn’t find how to upload the photo I wanted to add to the article…,
Sorry for the extra work, but If you accept the article, maybe you can lend me a hand 🙂
Kind regards,
Guest Post Request
Hi ,
I am an active blogger and love to write and share blogs on different Topics such as Health, Healthcare tips and Health care products and .I am a frequent visitor of your blog, and found the posts very much entertaining and well- researched.
I ensure originality and uniqueness in my content as per the guidelines of your blog.
I hope you will be interested in having a guest post on your site. Please give me an opportunity and allow me to send you some topics for your kind review.
Looking forward in anticipation.
Warm Regards
Nupur Roy
Guest Post Request
Hi ,
I am an active blogger and love to write and share blogs on different Topics such as Health, Healthcare tips and Health care products and .I am a frequent visitor of your blog, and found the posts very much entertaining and well- researched.
I ensure originality and uniqueness in my content as per the guidelines of your blog.
I hope you will be interested in having a guest post on your site. Please give me an opportunity and allow me to send you some topics for your kind review.
Looking forward in anticipation.
Warm Regards
intrested in guest posting
Hi I want to do a guest post exchange with your site!
Guest Blog: “5 Mental Hang-Ups that are Keeping You Fat”
Hey there,
My name is Chris Miller, I’m a freelance writer specializing in health and wellness. I’d like to contribute an article titled “5 Mental Hang-Ups that are Keeping You Fat”, which will explore the psychological side of dieting and weight loss, and how you may be hindering your ability to lose weight. Let me know if you’d be interested in this topic.
Regarding Guest Post
Hello Sir,
I have already posted an article that is in Moderation But one thing i just need to inform you that I was share your pages with my Facebook and Google+ Account.
Kindly let me know when you will be publish my article-Beetroot for Good Health
Best Regards
Nupur Roy
I have written a guest post that I’d love for you to publish on
My Name is Jamey Robert and i am a big fan of your website.
I Was hoping to contribute to your blog so i have gone ahead and written and original article that isn’t polished anywhere else.
To make it easy for you to use I’ve included the post preformatted below my signature. I’d be happy to make any changes but I’d love to see my work on your site so please let me know if and when you can publish this.
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Jamey Robert
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I would appreciate if you accept a Guest Post for your site. I have a good and unique article on Health topics which would be beneficiary for you.
Let me know your reviews. Waiting for your reply.
falcon sonika
Guest Post
I am Steve Gray Stevenson, a member of some Medical coding & Billing community. I had landed on your site “” and found the articles really worth reading. The quality of your content is so good, that it made me request you something. I love to write medical coding and billing articles and would like to contribute something for your site. I can give you an original guest post and if you want, you can suggest me the topic also and I will write accordingly. Not only that, I will give you the total rights to edit the article and modify it as per your needs.
In response I expect you to give a link back to one of my endorser who helps me to continue my passion and serve individual sites and blogs like yours.
Please let me know your thoughts. Waiting for your positive.
I would like to submit a sponsored guest post for your website.
I want to publish an article on your site if you allow me for guest blogging
I particularly appreciated the section on maintaining a balanced diet. The tips and suggestions were spot on, and I’ve already started incorporating some of them into my daily routine. It’s amazing how small changes can make a big difference in our overall well-being.
I also found the section on exercise to be motivating. Sometimes, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the workout options out there, but your blog simplifies it and makes it less intimidating. I’m excited to try out the workout routine you recommended.
Looking to add some knockout content to your site? I’ve got just the guest post to do it!
Introducing our exclusive piece on “Optimal Fitness and Nutrition Strategies for Boxers.” Inside, we reveal the secrets to unlocking a boxer’s full potential – from workout routines to diet plans, we’ve covered it all.
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Let’s collaborate to inspire your readers and help them reach their peak performance. Interested? Let’s discuss further!
Best regards,
I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to express my interest in contributing a guest post to your esteemed website.If you are currently accepting guest contributions, I would be delighted to discuss potential topics that would resonate with your audience. I am open to your guidelines and editorial preferences and am committed to delivering high-quality, engaging content.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your platform and adding value to your audience.
I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to express my interest in contributing a guest post to your esteemed website
I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to express my interest in contributing a guest post to your esteemed website
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This is Harris. I hope you are doing well.
I just came across your blog and found that really interesting.
So, I would like to make my contributions as well.
I have some topics from an article related to “Health and Lifestyle” . My article will be Unique.
Please let me know if this sounds good to you so that I can send the article to you for review.
Looking forward to your positive response.
Thanks & Regards,
I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to express my interest in contributing a guest post to your esteemed website
This is Harris. I hope you are doing well.
I just came across your blog and found that really interesting.
So, I would like to make my contributions as well.
I have some topics from an article related to “Health and Lifestyle” . My article will be Unique.
Please let me know if this sounds good to you so that I can send the article to you for review.
Looking forward to your positive response.
Thanks & Regards,
I’m reaching out to you to express my desire to guest post for this site.
I hope you will consider my request.
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Thank you for providing the opportunity to contribute to your platform through the “Write for Us” section. I am interested in submitting content related to oral health and dental care. As a representative of a leading dental clinic in Chandigarh, we would love to share our expertise on various dental treatments and patient care practices. Looking forward to contributing valuable insights to your website!
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Hi ,
i’m sameenakv best digital marketing freelancer in malappuram,
Iam sure you get pitched on guest posts on a daily basis so I’ll keep this short. I am a long time reader of your blog and have been meaning to contribute – I didn’t have a great idea that I think you’ll love. Well, now I do. i stuck on a interesting topic “hectic life & hesitant health”
my article will be Unique.
Please let me know if this sounds good to you so that I can send the article to you for review.
Looking forward to your positive response.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear friends! Today we want to share with you more about our brand – Babool gallery, about what is behind each of our jewelry❗️
🌷Handmade with soul and love🌷
Each of our products is not just an accessory. It is a piece of jewelry in which every detail is assembled by hand. We create our jewelry for a long time and painstakingly, with soul and love.
⚪️High-quality materials⚪️
We select only high-quality materials and natural stones so that each product will serve you for a long time and delight you with its shine and beauty.
🤍Individual approach 🤍
We know how important it is to have something very special. That is why we offer the opportunity to create custom jewelry. It does not matter whether you want to bring your idea to life or give a unique gift – we will be happy to help you with this! We believe that each piece of jewelry should be unique, like its owner. Our goal is to help you find or create the perfect piece of jewelry that will accompany you in the most important moments of your life.
Copying is especially condemned and discussed in beadwork. The attitude towards it is not like in other creative areas (photography and video, drawing). Everything is much tougher, stricter. “Do not copy”, “copy for non-commercial purposes, for yourself”, “copy with permission”. There are shallow historical roots in this, attempts to control competition and maximize the development of the direction. I myself took part in these rhetorical battles and I still see echoes. They have become ethical standards in weaving and embroidery. Quite strange for masters of other creative directions, where copying helps the development of the master. And if it goes through improvement, then it helps the entire direction as a whole. My attitude to copying works changed depending on what stage of development I was at – a student, a master, a teacher.
From the moment of birth, a person learns through imitation. This is our usual pattern of behavior. The child observes, tries to repeat, does. And this will happen in any direction of study, at any age. The first year, the most motivating thing for me was solving complex geometric decorations, in different techniques. I studied these techniques in order to understand how best to create this or that form, from different materials.
There are 2 main types of brand creation. “I do what is popular”, you try to be like everyone else. “I do what no one else will do”, you try to be like yourself. This is where the war with copying is going on, because otherwise there is no way to differentiate yourself from competitors. I am an adherent of the second type. And yes, I fought. Several people have earned the honorary title of beaded Abibas. On the T-shirt, the phrase speaks about the most annoying thing about copying from the master’s point of view. “Don’t copy me. You’re doing it wrong anyway.” Put translucent paper on a complex pattern, try to redraw it exactly. You won’t succeed if you didn’t draw this pattern. And it’s not even clear where the mistakes are, but the difference is noticeable, not for the better.
You can’t teach without a complete repetition of the original. Although here, at certain levels of training, I explain not how to copy, but how to think. And this is the advantage of my School – my students go into free creativity not with a list of MK, but with a set of tools. I am regularly asked “can I repeat this decoration of yours.” How do I feel about copying now? By and large, I don’t care. That’s why I keep quiet. As a master, a designer, I found a theme that no one but me can fully carry out. Now I know how to fill it with new meanings, in addition to lines and colors. As a teacher, I am more upset that our worldviews are so different at the moment. Now I do not praise or scold for repetitions of my work. A good or bad copy is your business. You needed to make it for some reason. This is part of the path. I hope that further on it will be interesting and colorful.
❤️ 💖Thank you for being with us. We strive to make the world around us more beautiful! 💖
Babool Gallery – Beaded Beauty
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Discover the Magic of Handcrafted Beaded Treasures at
Step into a world where every piece tells a story, where ancient craft meets contemporary elegance. At, we transform simple beads into wearable works of art that capture the light – and your heart.
Your Journey to Unique Beauty Begins Here
Each creation in our collection is more than jewelry; it’s a celebration of individuality. Our artisans pour their passion into every design, carefully selecting and arranging beads to create pieces that resonate with your soul. No two items are exactly alike – just like the wonderful people who wear them.
Why Is Your Destination for Exceptional Beaded Jewelry
Artisanal Excellence: Every piece is lovingly handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail
Unique Designs: Our collections feature one-of-a-kind pieces that you won’t find anywhere else
Timeless Appeal: Classic techniques meet contemporary design for jewelry that transcends trends
Personal Expression: Each piece helps tell your unique story
Sustainable Beauty: We carefully source our materials with respect for both artistry and environment
Find Your Perfect Match
Whether you’re seeking a statement necklace that commands attention, delicate earrings that whisper elegance, or a bracelet that adds that perfect finishing touch – your ideal piece awaits at
Keywords and Tags:
Handcrafted beaded jewelry
Unique artisanal accessories
One-of-a-kind jewelry pieces
Handmade beaded necklaces
Artistic beadwork
Exclusive jewelry designs
Bohemian style jewelry
Contemporary beaded accessories
Custom beaded jewelry
Sustainable fashion accessories
Artisan-made jewelry
Statement jewelry pieces
Ethical fashion jewelry
Handcrafted accessories
Limited edition jewelry
Social Media Hashtags:
#HandcraftedJewelry #UniqueBeadwork #ArtisanMade #BaboolGallery #ExclusiveDesign #BeadedTreasures #HandmadeWithLove #ArtisanalJewelry #SustainableFashion #OneOfAKind
Hi author, Thank you for providing the opportunity to contribute to your platform through the “Write for Us” section. I am interested in submitting content related to oral health and dental care. As a representative of a leading dental clinic in Chandigarh, we would love to share our expertise on various dental treatments and patient care practices. Looking forward to contributing valuable insights to your website!